Marketing management refers to planning, organising, directing and control of the activities that facilitates exchange of goods and services between producers and consumers/users of products and services.
Children love to eat sweet things and I want to become very popular among children all over the world; for this I want to prepare a product that is loved by children as well as adults.
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My product is “Chocolate”. Happiness is in having a piece of chocolate. Eat chocolate when times are tough, and eat even more when times are great.
Chocolate is made from the seeds of cacao tree fruit, it comes from the cacao plant (bean or seed pod).
Tagline: Slicy and Yummy.
Price, Product, Promotion, Place
Price: Allow Deals, Discount structure, Low cost for basic product, premium segment
Product: Best quality, Innovative features, Services
Promotion: Advertising, sale promotion, publicity, special festive arrangement
Place: Channels & Distribution, Outlet location, Sales territories, Warehousing system
Marketing Strategy
Advertising: Television, Print Media, Hoardings
Sale Promotion: Consumer sales promotion, Trade sale promotion
SWOT Analysis
Strength: Strong brand name, excellent advertising & visibility, good product distribution and availability, lots of flavours and varieties available.
Weakness: Food products have limited shelf life
Opportunity: Tie-ups with corporates, cheaper packets for rural areas
Threat: Health conscious people are avoiding sweet.
STP of chocolate
Segment: People wanting to have a sweet life
Target Group: All people in the upper and middle class
Positioning: Feels good/better
Top competitive brands
John Cadbury
1948, Cadbury India began its business
Chocolate and confectionery
Dairy Milk, Fruit & Nut, 5-Star, Perk, Gems, Eclairs, Bournville
Cadbury’s Motto: To deliver such a product to their customers which they would never have imagined.
Amul (The Taste of India)
Dr. Verghese Kurien
Established in 1946
Chocolate and confectionery
Fruit & Nut, Fundoomilk chocolate, Almondbar, Dark chocolate, Rejoice
Amul Motto: There is a lot of potential for growth and development, a huge population exists in rural market where other companies are not targeting.
Ferrero Rocher (the garden experience)
Alba Piedmont & Piefro Pierro
Established in 1996
Chocolate and confectionery
Ferrero Rocher
Tic Tac
Kinder surprise
Kinder Joy
Ferrero motto: Happiness lies in sharing chocolates with lived ones
Henri Nestle
Established in 1905
Chocolate and confectionery
Kit Kat
Nestle Motto: Nestle has health based products which are gaining popularity in the world, besides United States.
Forrest Mars
Established in 1932
Chocolate and confectionery:
American Heritage
Mars Motto: To put aside negativity, eat some chocolate
Marketing Mix
Marketing Mix is a set of marketing tools that a firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives in a target market. The variables or elements of marketing mix have been
classified into four categories popularly known as four Ps of marketing – product, price, place and promotion. These elements are combines to create an offer.
Price: Price is the Amount paid by a buyer or receive by a seller in consideration of the purchase of a product or service.
There are two types of strategies to fix the price of product: Price penetration, Price slimming
Product: In general, the word ‘product’ refers only to the physical and tangible attributes of product. However, in marketing, product refers to both tangible as well as intangible attributes which are capable of being exchanged for a value, with ability to satisfy customer needs.
Packaging: Designing and producing the container or wrapper of a product is referred as packing. There can be three different levels of packaging – primary package, secondary package and transport package.
Promotion: Promotion refers to the use of communication with the twin objective of providing information to potential customers about a product and persuading them to buy it. There are four major tools, or elements of promotion mix, which are: Advertising, personal selling, sale promotion, and publicity.
Types of Channel
- Direct Distribution
- Indirect distribution channels include
Manufacturer – Retailer – consumer
(one level channel) - Manufacturer – Wholeseller – Retailer – consumer
(two level channel) - Manufacturer – Agent – Retailer – consumer
(three level channel)
Physical Distribution
There are two important decisions relating to this aspect, one regarding physical movement of goods and two, regarding the channels.
Channels and distribution are set of firms and individuals that help goods and services move from the producers to the consumers.
A taste that brings a big smile on the face is that of chocolate. Its made yummy using a variety of ingredients such as cocoa, milk, sugar, almonds, cream, coconut. Its rich in protein, vitamins, carbohydrates and is available in affordable prices. It is available in different kinds of flavours and is used in every celebration.
Social Message
In today’s society where people want to get the maximum at lower prices, we offer competitive prices on our chocolates. These may not be packaged with the best quality material, but you get a lot more chocolates for the price you pay.
Our consumers are highly loyal towards the product. Our advertisement with actress endorsing had a higher brand recall. Thank-you for going through this presentation.
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