Major Legal Issues Concerning Websites:
Government in most countries feel the need to have checks on criminal activities, with due respect for human rights and civil liberties. In the process, many feel that they are also trying to regulate the content of the internet, which many find to be quite irksome.
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Though this is a separate debate in itself, what we are going to talk about here are the Major legal issues surrounding websites.
Major Legal Issues
When it comes to crimes on the internet, there are several instances that involve theft, fraud, mischief, misrepresentation, breach of trust, Obscenity, Impersonation, statements hurting religious sentiments, Criminal intimidation, Defamation, and so on.
The major legal issues surrounding websites however are because of the following:
- Domain Names
- Trademark, Copyrights & Patent Law Issues
- Data Privacy & Protection
- Financial / identity related crimes
- Content related
- Pornography
- Intermediary liability
- Electronic evidence
Academic Questions
Topic: Copyright Protection in Digital Environment: Right to Communication to Public and Reproduction Right
Citation style: Oscola (4th edition)
Follow this structure: Table of Contents, Table of Cases (if case laws are added), Table of Statutes used (if applicable)
Introduction – State brief background of the subject of research. Place the problem under investigation in a perspective by briefly mentioning the statement of problem.
Research methodology – (a) Objectives, (b) Hypothesis, if any, (c) Research Question/s, (d) Scope & Limitations
Main body of the Project. Conclusions/research findings/recommendations. Bibliography
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