Based on the information given on the company LearnInMotion, develop an HR Plan that you believe the company should implement for the next 2 years. Imagine yourself as the HR Manager the company recently hired.
- 1. Conduct a SWOT/TOWS Analysis to serve as the basis of your planning and key recommendations for the company.
- 2. Develop an HR Plan for the company, by using the HR Plan Template.
a. Write an Executive Summary to manifest your understanding of the situation and business environment under which the plan must be implemented. Clarify the overall value the plan intends to deliver.
b. You must have between 4 – 6 strategic priorities you believe the company should implement in the next 2 years. While you may have information on the company in every HRM aspect, you must decide on what are the 5-6 most important items LearnInMotion should allot resources for deployment.
- 3. For each strategic priority, you are not expected to outline specific tactics for implementation. You must, however, provide a description of the priority and broad activities that need to be implemented, with their measures of success.
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If you are using any statistics or quotes from other sources, please acknowledge them appropriately. Use them only to further validate your analysis or conclusions.
SWOT/TOWS Analysis
- Tool should be correctly used i.e. each entry in the SWOT is a condition, NOT an initiative
- Each SWOT component must have 4-5 entries and is accurate to the Learn In Motion situation
- Each TOWS component must have between 2 – 5 entries and each entry references the SWOT components it is addressing e.g. S1 S2 O4.
- TOWS entries must be relevant, creative and innovative
Strategic Priorities
- Order of priorities make sense and is applicable to a start-up like Learn In Motion
- Priorities identified and selected are appropriate to the Learn In Motion and its HR Function
- Each priority has a clear description: rationale for its need and assigned priority, business objective it aims to fulfill.
- Each priority has reasonable and achievable timelines and measurable indicators of success.
- Each priority has milestones or outlines key activities that must be completed.
- There must be between 4-6 strategic priorities.
- Presentation of each strategic priority is not a mere quote from another source; language must demonstrate critical thinking.
HR Plan
(General description of the company, assessment of the environment, summary of opportunities and challenges, rationale for an HR Plan i.e. SELL this HR PLAN! No more than 1 page of summary).
(Outline strategic priorities and description; specify estimated timelines for completion; indicate measure of success or projected benefit of successful completion of strategic priority)
Priority No.
Estimated timeline (Start and End)
Measures of Success/Benefits on Completion:
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