With most business becoming global in nature, travelling to foreign countries becomes a part of the job for most executives and key people within the organization.
Most students also go abroad for higher education and many more travel to a foreign country as tourists.
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Indian students are increasingly turning to foreign languages to broaden the spectrum of their skill sets and to take advantage of the inter-connected world today. Many schools in India now have foreign languages as part of their curriculum.
In India, proficiency in a foreign language is becoming a norm now. However, this thirst for learning a foreign is not limited only to school students, even adults who want to move around the world and up the ladder of success are opting to learn a foreign language to better their chances.
Top Reasons Why You Should Learn a Foreign Language
So why does one need to know a foreign language? They are several reasons but the primary reason being that in most countries, even though English is used for business and educational purposes, they still use their local language for every other thing.
So if at all you travel to a non-English speaking country, knowing their local language helps you to take care of all your basic needs while staying there.
- It’s easy to ask for directions and understand the answers
- You can converse with the waiter to figure out the menu at a foreign restaurant
- Knowing the language will help you make more friends, in case you will stay for a longer duration.
- In case of emergency, it really helps to know the foreign language
As a tourist, knowing the foreign language adds to the overall experience.
Even for business, though most do speak English, knowing the local language of a foreign country, helps in reducing communication gaps while doing business.
Here are more reasons why you must learn a Foreign Language.
Language is a very important tool of communication. It is used to provide clear meanings to the thoughts and emotions of an individual, group, community, and also a nation. The language spoken by a certain country gives it a unique and distinct identity; it also binds the people of the nation toward solidarity and unity that helps maintain peace, order, respect, and love.
In the modern age, knowing multiple languages is not about showing of your intelligence but a business requirement in several instances. Whether it’s for professional, social or personal reasons, learning at least one foreign language is becoming mandatory for many to improve ones career prospects in today’s society.
Let us take a few more reasons why you should consider learning a foreign language.
Professional Requirement
Several professions require the knowledge of foreign languages, depending on the industry. Most jobs may require you to know an international language such as English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and so forth. If you’re a native English speaker or have done your schooling in English then you can have it a bit easier, since English is the main international language, but learning a secondary language can also turn out to be an important decision in your career.
Social Advantage
Knowing a foreign language (or more) definitely gives you a social advantage. When you meeting a foreigner or have a foreign delegation visiting your office, you can interact with them. They’ll be extremely impressed by your ability to talk with them through their own native tongue. it will also make it easier for you to do business with your foreign counterpart.
Family Communication
Do your parents have different nationalities? Learning their mother tongue’s will not only make your parents happy, it will also help you learn more about the place from where they originally belong, and their culture.
For Self-Improvement
Learning a foreign language is also good for your brain; its like solving a puzzle, or a math problem that is going to take at least a few months to be solved. Learning a new language stimulates your brain; it requires memorizing and understanding of hundreds of new words.
If you keep the problem insight and don’t lose interest in it, the chances of solving it are extremely high and the intellectual fulfillment that you get at the end is extremely satisfying.
As you can see, there are several reasons for learning a new foreign language. While learning a foreign language, you need to focus on various aspects of the language, such as spelling, grammar, reading, pronunciation and so forth.
How to Learn a Foreign Language
Learning a foreign language involves learning several things like grammar, vocabulary, translation, and other aspects of that language. It is also important to know about the culture of the foreign language when you are learning the language.
Here are some excellent resources to help you make your foreign language learning more interesting and captivating.
Learn Foreign Languages Online: Free Resources
- French Videos This collection of tutorials gives future travellers to France the tools they’ll need to get by.
- Quizzes and Drills This site provides 40 short quizzes to test your knowledge while you learn French.
- French Flashcards This site provides printable .pdf flashcards to help children and adults learn French.
- English to French Picture Dictionary This online dictionary provides nearly 1,500 illustrated dictionary entries to help you learn French.
- French Numbers This has interactive and printable quizzes and activities to help you learn numbers in French.
- French Family and Culture This activity provides information on French culture and family organization, as well as the French words for different family members.
- French Tutorial This site provides lessons in French free, including 13 chapters of study and over 200 audio files for pronunciation.
- French for Beginners An overview of basic words and terms in French.
- Tools for Learning French This site provides verb practice and conjugating tool to help you learn French.
- Spanish Audio Free downloads of Spanish lessons in audio format, perfecting for using on the go.
- Learn to Speak Spanish This site offers tons of resources to help you learn Spanish quickly. It also offers tests and quizzes to evaluate your progress.
- Spanish Tutorials This site offers free tutorials on pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and a whole lot more.
- Printable Worksheets This site offers several printable worksheets to aid in Spanish lessons, all for free.
- Preschool Spanish This site is full of worksheets and activities to help preschoolers learn Spanish.
- Spanish Words A list of Spanish words and sentences that are free to print and use.
- MP3 Spanish Lessons These lessons can be downloaded to your phone or MP3 player to help you learn Spanish on your own time.
- Three Lessons This site provides three free lessons for beginners of the Italian language.
- Learn Italian This site provides lessons on everyday Italian phrases and an English to Italian translator.
- Free Resources This site offers free audio files and resources for learning Italian.
- Italian Picture Dictionary This interactive dictionary can be used to learn several Italian words and phrases.
- Free Italian Course This site offers several lessons on speaking Italian.
- Quizzes and Games Offers several free quizzes and games to help you learn Italian.
- Learn Italian This site provides 20 lessons in Italian.
- Create Your Own Test This site allows you to create a test based on the German you have learned to see how well you know it.
- German Grammar This site provides a comprehensive guide to German grammar.
- Free Beginners Course This site offers 10 lessons for free in beginning German.
- Grammar Drills This site offers 60 different drills in German grammar.
- Learn German This site offers several lessons to learn basic words and phrases in German.
- Fun German This site teaches German with interactive tools and comics.
Learn Foreign Languages in Mumbai
Learn Chinese/Mandarin in Mumbai.
Source: onlineuniversity.org
When learning a foreign language, you need to focus on various aspects of the language, such as spelling, grammar, reading, pronunciation and so forth.
How to learn a Foreign language in Just 5 Minutes
Want to learn the language in just 5 minutes…a day?
While you can’t really master 2,000 words and all grammar rules “fast”, there are a few ways to learn a new language in just 5 minutes a day.
Here’s how!
Learn one new word every day (time required is 1 minute)
Sign up for ‘free’ word of the day. Every day you will get a free vocab lesson delivered to your inbox. Open the lesson. Read it. Listen to the pronunciation. That’s it. You’ve learned a new word.
Subscribe to some website that offers mini-lessons (time required is 1 minute).
There are many websites and apps that provide this. Download a language app for the iPhone, IPad and Android.
Every day, you get new lessons covering words, phrases, grammar and more.
Master Tons of Words & Phrases with “Vocabulary Lists”.
If you want to improve your speaking, you need to know more words and phrases.
With the free vocabulary lists, you learn a ton of phrases on all types of topics – Greetings, Travel, Love phrases, Top conversational phrases, and much more.
Listen to Audio Lessons (time required: 3 mins to 15 min)
Audio lessons are a great way to: Immerse yourself in the language. Sharen listening skills, Master conversations, and learn while multitasking.
By the end, you will understand every-thing and you can speak the language.
Watch Video Lessons (time required: 3 mins to 10 min)
You can “see” and “hear” how Grammar Rules work in action.
If you’re a visual learner this is a great way to master the language.
Learn with PDF Lessons (time required is 2 min to 5 minutes).
PDFs can be saved to your device and read anytime, to easily be reviewed.
You can go through tons of such pdf cheat sheets and ebooks for free on some sites.
If you want to learn in just 5 minutes and access all of these free learning tools, then you may have to sign up for a free account.
Online Translation Jobs for Freelancers
With the world opening up, a lot of business interaction is happening with non-English speaking countries. As a result, a lot of opportunities for online translation jobs is cropping up.
So if you specialize in any language, you can think of benefiting from it.
If you know a language inside out, if you understand the grammar, punctuation, style, etc. then you can definitely earn an income from this skill.
Translation Jobs Skills
The most important skill needed is that the interpreter needs to understand multiple languages, one of which needs to be a common language that both the translator as well as the client will understand.
As part of the translation job, you will need to check the finished work for spelling and other grammatical mistakes. Colloquialism is also very important to satisfy the client when a translator is working for foreign languages.
How Much Can You Earn?
This will depend on the job that is posted, the size of the client, and obviously your experience. But roughly, most freelance translators make anywhere from $10 to $15 an hour.
If you do your job well, then you will certainly get repeat assignments’ and over a period of time, you can make pretty good money online.
Where to Find Online Translation Jobs?
There are several websites that offer these jobs. But before you visit those sites to offer your services, be ready with some of your best work samples so that prospective clients can have a look at your work.
Some of the sites which offer online translation jobs include guru.com, ifreelance.com, getafreelancer.com, worldwideworkathome.com.
Several online translation opportunities exist for freelance translators. But you also need to keep on brushing up on your skill. Read a lot of books containing bilingual translations and refer to bilingual dictionaries to avoid spelling and grammatical mistakes in your online translation jobs.
Closing Thoughts
Language is a very important tool of communication. It is used to provide clear meanings to the thoughts and emotions of an individual, group, community, and also a nation. The language spoken by a certain country gives it a unique and distinct identity; it also binds the people of the nation toward solidarity and unity that helps maintain peace, order, respect, and love.
In the modern age, knowing multiple languages is not about showing of your intelligence but a business requirement in several instances. Whether it’s for professional, social or personal reasons, learning at least one foreign language is becoming mandatory for many to improve one’s career prospects in today’s society.
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