Best resources and courses to learn to speak Chinese (Mandarin). These innovative teaching methods make learning Mandarin Chinese a simple and enjoyable experience.
Why Learn Chinese Language?
Even though India may not have the most friendly relations with China, there’s no doubt that business all over the world, including India, want to tap the huge Chinese market. And in order to access the Chinese market, understanding their language definitely gives businesses an edge. The same applies if you want to pick up a job in China, or wish to go there for higher studies. No wonder, people around the world are rushing to learn Mandarin.
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- China is the third largest country in the world and the fastest growing economy in the world.
- Chinese is one of the working languages of the United Nations, and is the most used language in the world
- China remains India’s largest trading partner. The market for diamonds in China is vast; almost every other small trader in Surat has an office in China, and in order to do business, Mandarin is a must.
- CBSE board introduced Mandarin as an optional subject in the higher Classes
- Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg wooed China with a 30-minute interview in Mandarin, when he visited China, acknowledging the growing importance of the region and its language.
An IT solutions entrepreneur started learning Mandarin because his work entailed constant interactions with Chinese manufacturers. All the components came from Chinese sources. And you can never be sure of the intentions of the interpreter. For all you know, he could be hand-in-glove with the Chinese manufacturer. So I decided to learn Mandarin. Also, I heard they don’t like English.
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg speaking Chinese during a Q&A session at Tsinghua University in China. Zuckerberg’s wife is a Chinese so I guess that also motivated him to tlearn the language so that he can talk to her family.
Things About China That the World Knows
Great Wall . Jackie Chan . Feng Shui . Kung Fu / Panda . Wontons . Spring Rolls . Cheongsam . Fortune cookies . Dumplings . Confucius
“For the past several decades, China has systematically engineered its economy to be the factory of the world. Today no company from Apple to a kite-maker in Mumbai can resist the low production and sourcing costs in China. That explains why Mandarin classes are becoming so popular. You want to speak the language of the people who dominate your business landscape,” says KC Mathur who teaches mandarin at Delhi University’s Department of East Asian Studies.
Learning the Chinese Language
Several languages/dialects are spoken in China; however the most popular form to learn is Mandarin Chinese, which is the official language of the people’s republic of China.
With growing demand for Chinese Language, several Chinese language institutes have sprung up in recent times.
Long back, kids in schools in India used to learn foreign languages such as French, German or Spanish. But not any longer.
Highlights of the best learning institutes:
Authorised HSK test centres . Digital learning platforms . Detailed course materials . Placement assistance . Innovative teaching methods . Proprietary course material. Courses for various age groups.
Learn to speak Chinese Mandarin from these professional and proven Chinese learning institutes. Now you can master Mandarin right here in India.
Besides offering Mandarin Chinese language training, some of these institutes also offer translation services as well as organize cultural activities. works across sectors with companies, trade bodies, educational institutions and organizations to Bring India and China Closer.
Different Types of Courses Available
Most of these institutes offer various levels such as Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced.
- Basic Level: For those with no background of the language. Focuses on all four skills of language learning – Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.
- Intermediate Level: Designed to improve student’s Chinese dialogue and speaking skills. Communication skills required within a Chinese environment, including emergency situations. Also includes writing Chinese characters, composing short stories, engaging in simple conversations, vocabulary, sentence structure, etc.
- Most institutes now also offer crash/short term courses aimed at students (during vacation) and for working professionals (who are unable to devote lot of time).
- Business Chinese: Designed for frequent travellers and business people. These courses focus on building up business relations.
- Kids Chinese: Designed for kids, teaches spoken Chinese skills in children.
- HSK Courses: These course focus on preparing the students to appear for the International Proficiency Test- HSK directed by the Chinese Testing International (more explanation provided below).
- Some of these coaching centres are authorized HSK test centres.
What is HSK?
HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) or the Chinese Proficiency Test is an international standardized exam which tests and rates Chinese language proficiency, for non-native Chinese speakers. Its the official Chinese level test in China that is recognised internationally. This exam is conducted by Hanban, a non-governmental organization, to test the proficiency of non-native speakers.
HSK was developed by the Beijing Language and Cultural University. Certificates are issued by the State committee for the proficiency test. This certificate is recognized and accepted by many countries worldwide. Taking into consideration the recent trends in Chinese language, the examination pattern has been revised in 2012.
Most of the language training institutes will equip you to pass the HSK Level 1 exam – an international certification in Mandarin.
Chinese language classes in Mumbai
There are several institutes in Mumbai that offer Chinese/Mandarin language classes. Learn to speak, read and write Basic Mandarin with native Chinese professionals.
“We make learning Chinese so easy, you will see the difference yourself”.
Confucius Institute, University of Mumbai
The Confucius Institute, University of Mumbai, offers Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Chinese programme. It also offers short term certificate (two levels) and diploma courses (four levels) in Chinese Mandarin.
Besides conducting Chinese learning courses, the Confucius Institute at the University of Mumbai also helps students get scholarships (only for its meritorious students) who wish to go to China to further improve their language proficiency and to experience Chinese culture). The institute also organizes Chinese cultural programmes to promote intercultural ties.
Classes are held over the weekends: Sat or Sun for 4 hours. They run various courses:
HSK 1 (48 hours) . HSK 2 (60 hours) . HSK 3 (80 hours) . HSK 4 (120 hours) . HSK 5 (180 hours)
Chinese language school in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
Address: Ground floor, Ranade Bhavan, Kalina campus, Sanatcruz (E), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400098
Confucius institutes (“soft power” tool of Chinese foreign policy) across the world promote Confucius philosophy, culture, Mandarin language, martial arts, music, art and cinema through various courses and programmes. These institutes promote the philosophy of the ancient Chinese scholar while facilitating cultural and educational exchanges. The institutes are promoted by the ‘Chinese Language Council International’ known as Hasban, a part of the China Ministry of Education.
India China Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ICCCI)
To overcome the language barrier and to impart education in Chinese language, the Chamber has launched Chinese language education programme in Mumbai and other cities in India.
Address: 54/A,Elite Auto House, Near Crisil House,Andheri-Kurla Road, Andheri{East},Mumbai:400093, Maharashtra,India
The American Institute of Languages
Learn Chinese at the The American Institute of Languages. They conduct a wide range of language courses for Students as well as Corporate Employees.
Chinese Language Basics
Here are some common/essential phrases in the Chinese language.
Note: Mandarin is a phonetic language with four different tones, which can be tricky to grasp (especially for adults, but kids grasp it more easily). For example, the word ‘Maa’ can mean both mother and horse, but is differentiated by the way you say it.
Useful Chinese Expressions
Hello. Nǐ hăo. (nee how)
Good morning. Zăo. (dzaow)
Good night. Wăn ān. (wahn ahn)
Please. Qǐng. (cheeng)
Thank you. Xièxiè. (shyeh shyeh). Simple way to say thank you.
Excuse me. Duìbùqǐ. (dway boo chee)
I’m sorry. Chinese: Duibuqi. (dway-boo-chee)
I’m so sorry. Hěn bàoqiàn. (hun baow chyan)
I don’t understand. Wŏ bùdŏng. (waw boo doong)
Basic Questions
- How are you? Chinese: Ni hao ma?
- Good or bad?
Chinese: Hao buhao? (haoww-boo-haoww)
Hao means good (and also ok). Buhao means ‘not good’. (“Bu” means ‘no’ or ‘not’.) - Asking What Something Is
Chinese: Zhe shi shenme? (Jer shrr shnn-muh?)
The three important words are: Zhe (this), shi (is), and shenme (what). - Do you have?
Chinese: Youmeiyou? (Yoh-may-yoh…?)
You means ‘have’, and meiyou means “to not have”. The word mei means lack. So the phrase “youmeiyou…” literally means “have or not have?” - Where is …?
Chinese: … zai nali? (… dzeye naa-lee?)
The three words are: zai (on or in), na (where or which), and li (inside or very roughly the word “place”). You need to put the name of the place or object you want to find before zai nali.
How’s it going? Nǐ zěnme yàng? (nee dzummuh yahng)
Do you speak English? Nǐ huì shuō Yīngyŭ ma? (nee hway shwaw eeng yew mah)
Can you help me? Néng bùnéng bāngmáng? (nung boo nung bahng mahng)
What is your name? Nǐ jiào shénme míngzi? (nee jyaow shummah meeng dzuh)
What time is it? Xiànzài jǐ diăn zhōng? (shyan dzye jee dyan joong)
What’s the weather like? Tiānqi zěnme yàng? (tyan chee dzummuh yahng)
How much is this? Zhèige duōshăo qián? (jay guh dwaw shaow chyan)
Where do I find . . . ? Zài năr zhăo . . . ? (dzye nar jaow . . . )
Where is the bathroom? Cèsuŏ zài năr? (tsuh swaw dzye nar)
What time do you open/close? Nín jǐ diăn zhōng kāi/guān mén? (neen jee dyan joong kye/gwahn mun)
Could you please talk more slowly? Qǐng nǐ shuō màn yīdiăr. (cheeng nee shwaw mahn ee dyar)
Could you repeat that please? Qǐng nǐ zài shuō yícì. (cheeng nee dzye shwaw ee tsuh)
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