Industrial Disputes refer to disputes between employers and employees/workers over various employment/working conditions related issues.
Management (MBA) questions on Industrial relations and labour laws.
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Q. Kriday is an ambassador at UYC – United Youth Circuit (a UN Recognized Youth Organization). He wants to make his college mates aware of the Industrial Relations and Labour Law scenario on global forum and he intends to introduce them to ILO. In light of this case, please enumerate about ILO and Major activities taken up by ILO and the four conventions ratified by India in ILO.
Q. Please read three situations given below. They are all based on collective bargaining. Please read them well and decide the appropriate system of collective bargaining applicable in each of the situations. Situation 1 – A strike called by All the textile workers in Western Maharashtra against the revision of leave policies post COVID times. (Which structure of collective bargaining is applicable for this situation?) Situation 2 – Employees of Pandian Insurance Company across the branches all over India demonstrating against the changes in salary structure of Mid Management Level employees which will result into conversion of fixed bonus to performance-based bonus. (Which structure of collective bargaining is applicable for this situation?) Situation 3 – Employees of Triveni Publishing Company practicing a slow down as a demonstration against unjustly handled accident case of one worker in printing department. (Which structure of collective bargaining is applicable for this situation?)
Q. Jay’s father owns a foot ware company and quite a lot of their employees are working on retainer basis. The industry is pretty unorganized and hence a lot of attrition rate is observed. Jay’s father is seen struggling with keeping the employees from absenteeism and taking long leaves. Jay joins him post his Masters in HR and wants to suggest his father a revision in working structure by engaging the employees into full time employment and working out a robust wage structure. Please answer the following questions in light of this case.<br>
a. Elaborate on the steps in wage and salary administration.
b. List and describe three broad principles for wage and salary administration.
Q) Prakash joined Bindal Manufacturing Company as Head of HR and IR. The company had very good human resources policies and great level of compliance was maintained for years. However, the production units were not very peaceful. The company had two production units based in two different states. Three different unions were leading 1200 workers. Constantly, some small or large labor unrest would erupt time and again which needed handling. Prakash decided to run a survey and decided to start the task of listing general factors that cause Industrial Disputes and understand the ones that are applicable at Bindal. In light of this case, please list all the possible factors that cause Industrial Disputes.
Q) Shivam is a fresh graduate of Industrial Relations Course and feeling upbeat about his upcoming assignment. He has a project to complete, where he has to make a presentation to a growing company about Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923. He has to conduct two meetings on different level, details of those meetings are given below. Please guide Shivam for developing the content for his presentations.
a. Shivam has to prepare his pointers for a presentation to the management of the company about the scope of the Act and amount of compensation covered under the Act. List down points in brief for these two topics
b. Shivam needs to communicate with the workers of the organization about the circumstances that are covered for compensation under this act. Please explain in brief.
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