Here’s how to write an Internship Report with description after finishing an Internship.
An internship allows a student to get a first-hand experience of working in their industry, and to get guidance from professionals, which should help them later to land their first job.
- Looking for any kind of help on your academic work (essay, assignment, project)?
- Want us to review, proofread or tidy up your work?
- Want a helping hand so that you can focus on the more important tasks?
Hire us as project guide/assistant. Contact us for more information
Once the internship is completed, the student is expected to write an internship report, which summarizes the working experience and skills gained by the student.
This will help the employer to assess if the experience gained by the student aligns with what they are looking for, and if the intern could be hired.
Even otherwise, an internship report will be quite useful to the student to carry out a personal assessment and to improve oneself.
Lot of colleges also ask for an internship report in order to assess the experience and skills gained by their students.
Here’s a template that you can use to write your internship report.
About the Company: Company Description. What challenges does it face? Major competitors. Main clients (leave it if confidential). Trends in your industry. Reasons why you would or would not recommend working at this company (sector, functions performed, leadership style, culture, team).
Organization Chart: Make an Organization Chart and mention the department where you are doing the internship.
Functions Performed: Detail of the work carried out and the value contributed to the company. Improvements you have made in your position. Problems found. Knowledge of the program that you have carried out that you have been able to implement. Knowledge acquired and that you have not seen during the program.
Professional Development: After completing these internships/contract, which sectors and functions do you want to focus on? Skills that you have improved during your internship/contract.
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