The Indus Valley civilization was one of the greatest civilizations of the world. It developed along the Indus river in modern-day India and Pakistan.
Where was the Indus volley civilization located?
The Indus civilization consisted of large settlements planned and built along the banks of the Indus river. Around 2600 BCE, there were more than 2000 towns scattered across the plains of the Indus Valley region. Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were the largest of these towns.
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HOW did the civilization flourish?
The civilization depended on farmland nourished by the Indus river. The farmers of Indus Valley grew crops in fertile soil besides the river. The Indus people used spears to kill animals that would provide food for their families. They may also have hunted for sport.
What made the settlements modern?
Indus Valley civilization built the world’s first planned cities – Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. The “twin” capitals of the Indus Valley had wide roads, mud brick houses, drains, wells and sewers. They had a fortress or citadel where the local rulers lived and overlooked the city. The cities had a pool, called the Great Bath, which was used for religious ceremonies. The cities had dockyards to park boats for trade, granaries to store grains, warehouses for goods, and tall, protective walls that protected them from floods.
HOW rich were the settlements?
Indus society was very organized and rich in arts and crafts. They made beautiful objects from clay, stone, gold and silver. The Indus people were the first to grow cotton for weaving Into cloth. Indus Valley people traded with ancient Mesopotamia from Egypt. They exported cotton cloth, exotic animals, copper, ivory and imported metals, ores and shells.
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