Improve English spelling skills. Here are simple techniques that you can use to help your child or students become better spellers. I often use these strategies while teaching my kids.
Look at the syllables in spelling words, and spell the word one syllable at a time. This strategy makes use of syllable breakdown. You can break words into little spoken chunks with a vowel sound to help spell long words. Make sure your child is breaking the word into the right syllables.
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For example:
- Festival = fes+ti+val
- Remember = re+mem+ber
- Wednesday = Wed + nes + day
- Extravagant = Ex + tra + vagant (va + gant)
- Uncomfortable = un + comfort (com + fort) + able
Look for small words in spelling words. You should also ask the student to learn to notice words within words.
So for example in the word ‘uncomfortable’, you have the word ‘table’. So if the child already knows the spelling of the word ‘table’, s/he has to learn the spelling of only the first part of the word.
More examples:
cupcake = cup, cake
dustbin = dust, bin, in
spin = pin, in
Use rhyming words to help spell a word.
If the child can spell book, they can also spell look, took, cook, hook.
Pay attention to how words are built using root words, prefixes, and suffixes. This is a very important strategy, especially if your language doesn’t build words this way.
- Uncomfortable
- Root word = comfort
- suffix = able
- prefix = Un
Teach the child the rules for adding endings (suffix). For example, dropping silent ‘e’ before adding suffix. Changing the ‘y’ in the end to ‘i’ and add ‘es’. Use knowledge of suffixes and prefixes.
In general, encourage your child to say the words correctly and clearly without leaving out or mispronouncing sounds. Let them learn/write the sounds in the correct order.
Correct the Spelling Test
CORRECT THE SPELLING for the following. Suitable for school students aged below 16…or for seniors who are just looking for some fun tests.
Q.1. yeonkwr (a city)
Q.2. sirasu (a country)
Q.3. uelrbpm (profession)
Q.4. utegno (body part)
Q.5. egnlarefridsi (vegetable)
Q.6. aechhet (animal)
Q.7. epialnpep (fruit)
Q.8. Letbkslaba (sports)
Q.9. Coremusit (celebrity)
Q.10. Rtephoilce (vehicle)
And your time starts Now…Have the answers?
7-good, 8- very good, 9excellent, 10 genius.
Scroll down to check the correct answers…
1 Newyork
2 Russia
3 Plumber
4 Tongue
5. Ladiesfinger
6 cheetah
7 pineapple
8 basketball
9. Tom cruise
10 helicopter
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