Understanding Idioms, one of the comparatively more difficult topics in the English language.
Idioms are a collection of words or phrases which have a figurative meaning that is generally well established and known.
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In the Hindi language, these are known as ‘Muhavare’.
It means, the words that are used in the Idiom should not be used literally because they may sound silly and may also sound grammatically unusual at times.
Question: Choose the correct idioms from the brackets to complete the dialogues.
(hold your horses, put the cart before the horse, eating like a horse, sitting on a high horse, horsing around).
Rita: I think library should get new computers and the tourist office should get more staff.
Rohan: Oh! Oh! Hold your horses! Let’s talk about the library first.
Rohan: When it comes to buying new equipment for the local library, it’s important not to put the cart before the horse.
Rita: Ever since we have come up with this idea of buying new equipment, I have been horsing around.
Rohan: But to have the best, the whole staff should be dedicated to work instead of just sitting on a high horse.
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