ICSE English conversation skills (listening & speaking skills) for classes 9 & 10.
Students of ICSE Class 10 & 9 are required to choose any one of the topics provided and prepare a two minute speech on the same. The speech is followed by a question and answer session where the examiner tries to assess the understanding of the student about the topics.
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The students are expected to speak on the topic for about 2 minutes, and the presentation is generally lollowed by a discussion with the examiners for about 2 minutes.
The students will be assessed on the following parameters: 1) Fluency 2) Subject Matter 3) Organisation 4) Quality of Language 5) Delivery
Parameters 1 and 5 relate to delivering the speech. Parameters 2, 3 and 4 relate to the subject matter. No 3 is about organizing the content – having an intro, mid section and conclusion. No 4 is about quality of the language.
Speaking Topics for Class X
Here are a few sample topics for class X.
Q. The building next to yours is undergoing some renovation. Describe the sights, sounds and other sensory images that are part of your daily life now.
Q. Narrate an Incident when you reached late for some important event. What led to you being late? What were the repercussions of your being late? What did you learn from the incident?
Q. An original short story on the topic – The Adventure.
Q. ‘Reservations in higher education in India must be removed.’ Give your views for or against this topic.
Q. ‘E-commerce is displacing traditional markets.’ Comment.
Q. Facts are irrelevant. What matters is what the consumer believes.‟ In the light of this statement, discuss the impact of advertisements on the consumers.
Q. While the world is talking about AI robots and building hotels in space, many countries are suffering immensely due to the sheer lack of basic needs and infrastructure. Do you think that humankind, in the process of discovering the mysteries and possibilities of the unknown, has become oblivious to the ground realities of the backward nations of the world and the need to aid their very survival? Discuss.
Q. What, do you think, are the three important life skills needed for survival? Discuss.
Q. Social responsibility should be an important aspect of every privileged individuals life. Write how you intend to use your education, skills, abilities and resources for the betterment of the society. Specify which area you would like to contribute to and why.
Q. Murphy’s Law states that: ‘Anything that can go wrong will go wrong’. This is just what you experienced when you took your parents for a surprise party that you had planned for their wedding anniversary. Narrate the incident.
Q. Give a vivid description of a member of your family or a friend. [You may include a description of what the person looks like, the person’s interests and abilities, habits and behaviour and what you feel about him or her.]
Q. Narrate an experience you had while travelling on a bus, train, boat or plane, and say what impression the experience left on you.
Q. Recall a current news item in the newspaper or on television. Give an account of the matter and offer your opinion on it.
Q. Relate an anecdote, which you consider amusing, featuring a person or people you know.
Q. Give reasons why you would like to live in another country or why you prefer staying in the country you presently live in.
Speaking topics for class 9 & 10
Lot of students write to us asking for a list of speaking topics for class 9 (ICSE).
While it is not possible to predict the topics that could be asked, we would definitely like to provide some suggestions.
First and foremost you should be aware of the current happenings in the state/country and around the world so that you will be in a better position to speak if a related topic is presented to you.
Its also a good habit to prepare talking on a few topics at home.
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