ICSE Class-6 History & Civics: Syllabus, Revision Notes, syllabus, question and answers, worksheets.
ICSE Class-6 History & Civics: Syllabus
The following chapters are included in ICSE Class-6 History & Civics subjectTheme: The River Valley Civilizations
Chapters: The Mesopotamian Civilization . The Egyptian Civilization . The Indus Valley Civilization . The Chinese Civilization.
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Theme: The Vedic Civilization
Chapters: The Early Vedic period – Brahmavarta . The later Vedic Period – Aryavarta
Theme: Mahavira and Buddha – Great Preachers
Chapters: Jainism and Buddhism
Theme: Rise of Kingdoms and Republics
Chapters: The rise of Magadha
Theme: The Mauryan Empire
Chapters: The Mauryan Empire . The Mauryan Administration
Theme: The Golden Age – Gupta Empire
Chapters: The Gupta Empire
Chapters: Rural Local Self Government . Urban Local Self Government
ICSE Class-6 History & Civics: Notes & Worksheets
The Early Vedic Period – Brahmavarta
This chapter talks about the arrival of the Aryans in the Sapta Sindhu and Gangetic Valley, it taks about the various components of Vedic literature, and the early Vedic period – the political, social and economic life prevalent in those times.
The later Vedic – Aryavarta
This chapter talks about the political organisation of the later Vedic period, the social and economic life of the Aryans in that period, and the religion they followed. It talks about the Gurukul system of education and the four ashramas.
Question and Answers on the Vedic Periods
- Q. Where did the Indo Aryans initially settle in?
- Q. Write a note on early Vedic Period Art and Craft
- Q. Which were the women divinities worshipped in the early Vedic Period?
Jainism and Buddhism
This chapter talks about the reasons for the rise of Jainism and Buddhism and does a comparison between Jainism and Buddhism. It talks about the life of Vardhamana Mahavira, spread of Jainism, life and teachings of Gautama Buddha, spread and decline of Jainism.
Questions and Answers
- Q. What social reasons led to the rise of Jainism and Buddhism?
- Q. When and where was Mahavira born?
- Q. Who is called a Tirthankara?
- Q. Write about the three basic principles of Jainism (Tri-Ratnas)
- Q. How did Prince Siddhartha came to be known as the Buddha?
- Q. State the difference between Hinayana and Mahayana
The Rise of Magadha
This chapter talks about the rise of Janapadas and Mahajanapadas, the rise of the Magadha Mahajanapada, and invasion of Alexander into India.
Questions and Answers
- Q. Explain the political systems prevalent in the Mahajanapadas
- Q. How did Porus want to be treated?
The Mauryan Empire
This chapter talks about the Rise of the Mauryan Empire, the various sources of information on Mauryan rule, important Mauryan rulers, King Ashoka and his Dhamma.
Questions and Answers
- Q. What were the literary sources of information of this Empire?
- Q. Why was Kalinga important for the Mauryas?
- Q. What is the meaning of addict?
- Q. Write any three principles of Ashoka’s Dharma.
- Q. What is the importance of Stupa?
- Q. Describe the structure adopted as emblem of India.
- Q. What led to the end of the Mauryan Empire?
The Mauryan Administration
This chapter talks about the Administration of the Mauryan Empire, Mauryan art and economy.
Questions and Answers
- Q. What was the position of the king in the Mauryan administration?
- Q. Write any three officers who assisted the king in the administration.
- Q. Which coins were discovered in Magadha?
- Q. Write a note on the Taxation during the Mauryan period.
Rural Local Self Government: Rural local self-government works at the grassroot level in rural areas, in the form of panchayats and Zila Parishads. Also, learn about the Panchayati Raj System.
Questions and Answers
Q. What is a Government?
Q. Write a note on the State Government.
Q. What is the Zila Parishad also known as?
Q. Write any three functions of Block Samiti.
Q. What is the purpose of the Gram Sabha?
Q. What are the sources of income of Zila Parishad?
Q. Write an account on the election and officers of the Gram Panchayat.
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