CSE Class-5 Social studies: Revision Notes, syllabus, question and answers.
The following chapters are included in ICSE Class-5 social studies subject.
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Evolution of Human Beings
This chapter covers topics such as the process of human evolution, it talks about fossils, tools and bones that provide evidence of ancient life forms. The chapter also identifies, compares and contrasts the features of the various stone ages.
In some ICSE books, the Evolution chapter is further divided into chapters such as:
- The Stone Age – A wandering life
- The Stone Age – A settled life
Related: Notes of Chapter ‘Evolution of human beings / The Earliest Humans / The Stone Ages’
The Stone Age – A wandering life
This chapter talks about the earliest people and the kind of life they lived.
The Stone Age – A settled life
This chapter talks about the later period in the stone age and how the lifestyle of people had changed. Unlike the hunter-gathers, people lived in villages, were dependent on farming, and led a more settled life.
The Iron Age
This chapter teaches how people progressed from the stone age to the iron age, how people lived their lives and how they improvised over time.
Evolution of Transport
This chapter identifies the various stages of evolution in modes and systems of transport and tries to develop a sense of curiosity about how transport developed. It helps understand the importance of transport in bringing people closer all over the world, and also explains the impact of transport in our political, social, economic, and cultural life.
Related: Notes of Chapter ‘Evolution of Transport’
Evolution of Communication
This chapter explains the importance of communication, how the various means of communication developed with time. It also teaches the importance of effective communication.
Related: Notes of Chapter ‘Evolution of Communication’
In some text books, the chapters Evolution of Transport and Communication are rolled into one.
The Constitution of India
This chapter talks about the need for framing the constitution. It explains the basic rights and duties provided by the Indian Constitution, and helps understand the structure of the government.
Related: Notes of Chapter ‘Constitution of India’
Elections in India / India’s Democratic Government
This chapter helps understand how a democracy functions. It teaches the importance of voting in a democracy and explains the advantages of a democratic form of government.
Locating Places on Earth
This chapter explains lines of Latitude and Longitude, and how to locate places on the map. It also explains climate and time zones.
Weather and Climate
This chapter explains the difference between Weather and Climate. It also teaches about the importance of being aware of climate change and its impact on the environment.
Climate of India
In some textbooks the Chapter ‘Weather and Climate’ is listed as ‘Climate of India’.
Solar and Lunar Eclipses
This chapter explains the concept of eclipse. It explains the difference between Solar eclipse and Lunar eclipse.
Major Temperate Zones of the Earth
The Environment – Major concerns / Natural Disaster
This chapter helps understand the abiotic and biotic factors in environment. It teaches the importance of being aware of natural disasters and global warming and their impact upon people all over the world. It strives upon the need to reduce pollution and conserve and preserve our environment.
Natural Resources
This chapter helps understand the various resources that are available to a country. It identifies the different types of resources and explains how people use and abuse these resources. It stresses upon the need to be aware about the need and methods to conserve our resources.
India – A Diverse Country
This chapter talks about the location, size and diversity of India. It talks about India’s neighbouring countries. It also makes you aware of India’s climate and vegetation.
Agriculture in India
This chapter talks about India’s agriculture and how it is the backbone of India’s economy. It explains the differences between Food crop, Cash Crop, Plantation Crop and Horticulture crop, and talks about livestock rearing.
Natural Vegetation of India
This chapter provides meaning of the term Natural vegetation and explains the different forest categories such as Tropical Rain Forests and more. It also talks about the need for conservation of forests.
Industries in India
This chapter explains the economy of India and makes us realise the importance of India’s industrial growth. It also explains how industrial growth impacts our environment.
More Questions and Answers
Question: Name the following
- 1. A state that is a producer of sugarcane.
- 2. One of the leading Aerospace company in the world.
- 3. Crops sown in summer and harvested in winter.
Question: Define the following
- 1. Cottage industries
- 2. Organic fertilizer
- 3. Renewable resources
Question: Give reasons for the following
- 1. Water is conserved by building canal, dams, reservoirs and tank.
- 2. It is important to develop our agriculture and industries.
Question: Answer the following
- 1. From where do factories and industries get power to run machines?
- 2. What are natural resources?
Question: Answer in brief.
- 1. Mention any three of the problems in the agricultural sector.
- 2. Why is aviation industry important?
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