ICSE Class-5 Computer studies: Notes, syllabus, and answers to questions.
The following chapters are included in ICSE Class-5 computer studies subject.
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Evolution of Computers
How computers have evolved over the years, history of computers, earlier calculating devices, various generations of machines, earlier programming languages, characteristics and limitations of computers.
- First generation computers (1940-56): Used vacuum tubes, used magnetic tapes to store data, relied on machine language to perform any operation.
- Second generation computers (1956-63): Used transistors in place of vacuum tubes. Relied on magnetic tapes.
- Third generation computers (1964-71): Integrated circuits (IC) were used. Magnetic disks were used for storage.
- Fourth generation computers (1972-Present): Based on Very Large Scale Integrated circuits (VLSIC) called microprocessors ( decreased size and increased efficiency).
- Fifth generation computers (Present and Beyond): Computers involve artificial intelligence (AI).
Question: Create a new presentation by selecting the blank presentation option. Select the live and change its Layout to ‘Title only’. Now, type ” Inventors and their Inventions” in the “click to add title” placeholder. Add another slide, type the information about Blaise Pascal. Add 3 more “picture with caption” slides. add information and pictures of the devices invented by Leibniz, Charles Babbage, and Herman Hollerith. Save and close the presentation.
Question: Make a collage on different types of calculating devices by collecting pictures from the internet and magazines. Add two lines each for these devices.
Types of Software
What is software, understanding System software and Application software and their differences, Operational Support systems, Defragmentation.
Types of Software
System software is defined as a collection of program that controls the overall operations and internal working of a computer system. Examples of System software: Operating system, Utility software, Language processor.
Application Software: These programs perform specific jobs like making documents, doing calculations, arranging data in organized manner, making airline or railway reservation, etc.
- General purpose application software: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Paint
- Specific purpose application software (customized software): Tally
Question: Open Word and type the following:
Importance of Data Backup: It is essential that you always backup your important information and have a plan for recovering it, in case of system failure. You should backup your personal or critical work data on a regular basis. This means copying your files over to a protected system that you can access whenever needed.
Advanced features of Word Processor (Microsoft Word)
How to use effects, using header and footer, inserting line break and page break, setting paper size and margins, indenting text, finding and replacing texts, working with shapes and drawing tools, inserting pictures, adding watermarks, inserting cover page, applying borders and shading.
Presentation Software (Microsoft PPT)
Using built-in templates, improving the look of a presentation, applying themes, line spacing and alignments, changing colour scheme, changing background colour, inserting various objects in a Slide, inserting chart, rearranging slides in Slide Sorter view.
Introduction to Scratch Programming
Program and programming language, introduction to Scratch, starting scratch, main components of scratch, creating a new sprite using paint editor, saving a sprite, moving a sprite, adding sound, saving a scratch project and opening a saved scratch project.
Internet Services
Introduction to the internet, ways to connect to the internet, popular services on the internet, using email, netiquettes.
Internet Services: Notes, question and answers
A network is a group of two or more computer systems linked together to form a global network.
Modem allows a computer to send or receive information through telephone lines by converting digital data into an analog signal, used on telephone lines.
A telephone line is a medium that is used to connect the computer to an Internet Service Provider (ISP).
An internet connection is a service, provided by an Internet Service Provider (ISP), in exchange for a fee.
Dial-up connection requires the users to link their phone line to a computer, in order to access the internet.
A wireless connection makes use of radiofrequency to connect to the internet.
Mobile internet allows a user to access Internet over a smartphone using the network provided by the phone service provider.
Hotspots are sites that provide wireless internet access over short distances.
A video conference is a communication that involves exchanging audio and video simultaneously between people located at geographically different locations.
A Chat is a text-based communication between one or more users in which messages are exchanged back and forth in real-time using a chat software.
E-mail stands for Electronic Mail. It provides the ability to attach files for faster delivery anywhere in the world.
Netiquette can be defined as a set of rules that govern the acceptable online behaviour of the user.
Questions and Answers
Question: What is Internet?
Question: What do you understand by the term Netiquette? Write any two e-mail netiquettes.
Question: Write a short note on video conferencing.
Question: Explain any two types of internet connections.
Question: What is Modem? Name its types.
More Questions and Answers
Question: State the abbreviations of the following: Internet, MODEM, ISP, DSL
Question: State two points of difference between Internal modem and external modem.
Question: Define the following: Program, ISP
Answer in short.
Question: State any two points of video conferencing.
Question: Explain any one type of Internet Connection.
What Question: is the use of sound block menu?
Answer in detail.
Question: Write any three email Netiquettes.
Question: What is meant by scratch? State its components.
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