ICSE Class 10 project work carries 20 marks and its easy to score good marks even with a well-to-go project. But if you want to score a perfect 20, your project should look neat and well organised. Here are some suggestions to get the maximum marks for your projects (hopefully 20 out of 20).
Lack of Time is a Big Challenge
The other day a worried mother of Class X student called me asking for help to complete her son’s school project. The school had given them only couple of weeks to complete the draft version of the project for the various topics.
- Looking for any kind of help on your academic work (essay, assignment, project)?
- Want us to review, proofread or tidy up your work?
- Want a helping hand so that you can focus on the more important tasks?
Hire us as project guide/assistant. Contact us for more information
It was Holi and it was a holiday, but her son wanted to play Holi with friends (cannot blame him for that) and refused to spend time with her mother on the project. Her mother, on the other had, is a working mom and even she is busy on most days so is unable to devote lot of time to her son’s activities.
Well, this is a common scenario that you see in most homes. Students are already overloaded with lot of homework, classwork, tuition, etc , and parents are busy with their office work/business.
As a result, project work of the student suffers.
But this being such a crucial year, student/parents cannot afford to take it easy. That is why its important to look for ways to be more effective, and if required, seek extra help.
While we do help with assignments and projects, we discourage students doing a direct copy. Instead, we encourage them to use us as helping hands to carry out research, find information, which the students can then put in their own words.
Format of the ICSE project
ICSE Class X students need to create projects for various subjects such as English Literature, History, Geography, Maths, Hindi, Physics, Chemistry, Biology. Common topics for projects include topics such as Merchant of Venice in English Literature, topics such as Subhas Chandra Bose, Forward Bloc, INA in History, waste management and conservation in Geography, and so on.
The format of the ICSE Board project may have changed a bit, but most of the sections still remain the same as before.
In most cases, the school provides the format in which the project needs to be submitted.
Usually the project is of around 18-20 pages including introduction and conclusion, but it also depends on your teacher.
Almost all the projects are expected to include these sections:
- Contents
- Acknowledgement
- Introduction
- Body part write about the topics using different headings (2-3 pages each)
- Conclusion
- Bibliography (list of the books referred to in a scholarly work, typically printed as an appendix.)
However, depending on the subject, few more sections may be required. For example, for the Math project, some schools ask for the following sections to be included in the project:
- Cover page
- Acknowledgement
- Project: Title
- Index
- Objective
- Pre-requisite knowledge
- Materials required
- Method/ Procedure
- Observation
- Conclusion
- Real Life Applications (supported with pictures)
- My Learning Experience/ Learning Outcomes
- References/ Bibliography
Repeat the steps from Project Title to References/ Bibliography if there are multiple projects.
Length of the ICSE project
Most ICSE School projects are about 18-20 pages long, including the introduction and conclusion. But you may have to follow what your teacher has instructed, when it comes to the length of the project.
Need help completing your ICSE project? Please contact here.
Points to be taken care of while writing a Project
- Your project must have an Introduction, Index. Acknowledgement and Conclusion. Basically the right format.
- Project should be individual unique work not to copy from others.
- Presentation is very important, research and write.
- Heading and Sub-headings should be highlighted.
- Pictures should he pasted neatly, captions should be written.
- No sparkles or expensive decorative material should be used.
- Draw margins on paper that you use. A4 size paper.
- Handwriting should be neat and words should he clearly written.
- The project should be handwritten on plain or lined sheets. Coloured paper can be used for pasting pictures.
- The file should he covered neatly and the heading, the name and the class of the student written on it.
- Bibliography at the end is very important. Mention the books, websites, brochures where you got the required material from.
ICSE Project Rules
There are no strict rules as such, but its better to follow what your teachers have instructed, in order to get the maximum marks.
- Make sure you submit your project on time, assuming you have been given a deadline by the school.
- Many teachers insist that you submit a draft copy so that they can review and provide their feedback. Make sure you do that and incorporate the changes suggested by the teacher. If you want full marks, make sure you put in the efforts.
- Make the project neat, structured and well-organized, it shows you have put in the efforts to do it.
- Make sure you proof-read your project, edit it, highlight your views, and more importantly at least read it yourself (there are many students who make their project without much understanding of the their own project).
- Make use of relevant pictures throughout the project.
- Make sure all the instructions that were provided by your teacher in the class, regarding the project, have been incorporated.
Requirements for the Rough Draft
1. Rough drafts need to be neatly written in file sheets
2. The must be submitted in a transparent A4 size file
3. All rough drafts must be handwritten.
4. A printed copy of the interview questionnaire must be added
5. Only content required. No pictures required in the rough draft.
Requirements for the Fair Project
1. Number of words – 1,500 – 2000 (May vary)
2. Fair Projects to be written in the journal.
3. Journals are to be covered with a uniform colour for each class.
4. Pens – Blue or Black only (all other colours, except red, pink and orange can be used for
5. Fair Project to be copied as is in the Rough Draft (however, an element of newness can be
added)…. Note: Entirely new content is usually not accepted. You will need to check with the teachers if you are looking for some deviation.
6. Order to be followed, as given below (no index required)
Cover Page, Certificate Page, Acknowledgement, Introduction, Details of the given project, Questionnaire, Case Study, Conclusion, Bibliography (All the formats are usually provided by th school)
7. Internal Examiner & External Examiner to be written on the Last Page of the project – i.e. after the Acknowledgement
8. Rough Drafts to be submitted in an envelope, along with the Fair Project.
9. Pictures (or drawings) to be stuck on the left hand side and content to be written on the right
10. Format of the Cover Page is usually provided
ICSE Project Help
Not able to devote enough time to your child’s ICSE school projects (English literature, History, Geography, Computers, Maths)? Need help completing your son/daughter’s ICSE project? Please contact us here.
Have any questions/suggestions on ICSE school projects? Please share it below in the comments section.
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