Academic projects (ICSE class X) on the city of Hyderabad.
About Hyderabad City
The city of Hyderabad was established in the year 1591 by Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah, and remained under the rule of the Qutb Shahi dynasty for nearly a century before the Mughals captured the region. In 1724, Mughal viceroy Asif Jah I declared his sovereignty and created his own dynasty, known as the Nizams of Hyderabad.
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Hyderabad, nicknamed as the ‘City of Pearls’ is located along the banks Mushi river. The city is a hub of trade and commerce and an international centre for Information Technology (IT).
The Nizam’s dominions became a princely state during the British Raj, and remained so for 150 years, with the city serving as its capital. The city continued as the capital of Hyderabad State after it was brought into the Indian Union in 1948, and became the capital of Andhra Pradesh after the States Reorganization Act, 1956.
ICSE Class X: History Project on Hyderabad
The city proudly flaunts its rich legacy left by the Nizams and every inch of the old city speak volumes about is cultural heritage. As you explore this wonderful city especially monuments like the Golconda Fort and the Chowmahalla Palace, and the Salar Jung museum which bear testimony to the times of the Nizam, quench your curiosity by looking out for the following questions.
Based on your above visits, compile your project looking out for following questions:
a) During your visit to Golconda forty document your observations and learning on the foaming parameters:
- Brief background of the ruler who built the monument
- The architectural features of the monuments (fortifications, material used, several buildings within the complex, etc) (Substantiate your learning with pictures)
b) Make an innovative travel diary (4-5 pages). documenting the various details of the Chowmalla Palace. Make it as creative as possible. You can include handmade diagrams, pictures, maps, etc. to enhance your travelogue. Some specimens are attached below.
c) Museums are excellent learning spaces. They help us discover the past and admire its various aspects. During your visit to the Salar Jung Museum, note down in detail, two to three artifacts that you liked. Also, state the reason for the same.
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