Hyderabad City Geography: School Projects (ICSE Class X and others)
You can read more about the history of Hyderabad City here.
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Topic- A visit to Pade Biscuit factory in Hyderabad
As you avail the great opportunity to visit Hyderabad, be an alert observer during your visit to work on your project.
You will work on your project under the following two categories.A. Secondary data (based on literary sources)
1. Geographical background of Hyderabad: Write an account of at least 300 words about geographical location, topography (relief features), climatic conditions (temperature and rainfall), soil profile, type of natural vegetation, demographic composition – gender ratio, literacy rate, culltutal background – languages spoken, dress, art and craft, festivals, major educational centres, religious centres. Attach relevant pictures to support your information.
2. Map Work: On an outline (political) map of India, mark and label the following: –
a) State of Telangana and study area – Hyderabad using colour crayons (Telangana: Yellow colour, Capital City Hyderabad: Red dot)
b) Mark the flow of river Mushi in Hyderabad (mark the river in BLUE colour)
c) Mark and label the major centres of Parle-G biscuit plants in India and its headquarter.
3. Primary Data (Field Observation based): Give an elaborate account of the following aspects during your visit to Hyderabad.
a) Climatic condition – The maximum and minimum temperature, relative humidity, cloud cast of the city during visiting days (refer local newspaper available in the hotel). List the major climatic differences in the month of February that you observe in Hyderabad in comparison to the city where you live, i.e. Mumbai. Give appropriate reasons to justify ur answer. [Criteria of comparison- Humidity, temperature, cloud cast, visibility of air, etc].
b) Primary Data (based on the visit to Parle Factory)
4) a)Describe the major factors influencing the location of the Park -G biscuit factory that you have visited in Hyderabad (land cost, electricity cost, market, road transport, semi-skilled labour). Give a brief account of the emergence and the journey of this company from its origin till present.
b) Explain the whole process of manufacturing of biscuit in Parle-G factory, type of raw material required, modes of their procurement of raw material and the market of the finished products of this factory, types of labour skilled/semi-skilled/unskilled, work ambiance, the process involved in packing, branding and marketing of the finished products, safety measures taken, for the labourers in the factory, type of ownership of this factory – public/private/joint sector/Consumer-based and give reasons for your answer.
c) Mention the potential capacity of production of this factory per month.
d) Name the Parle products this factory mostly produces? Mention the market centres for their produce in India and overseas.
e) Corporate Social Responsibility of an industry includes Socially-responsible business practices, produced products that appeal to a customer, practice community service, encourage waste management and advocate campaign for environmental sustainability, etc. Find out about the different products undertaken by the company towards community development (such as rainwater harvesting), andy social causes if any, for which the company works.
f) Classify the factory as polluting or environmental-friendly. If you observe it to be a polluting unit, then state any two reasons for it based on your observation. Suggest 2 possible ways of reducing pollution caused by this factory. If it is an eco-friendly factory, then list the reasons for it that you may have observed.
b) Maintain a neat fist of the Bibliography.
c) You are required to do neat work in a transparent file in A-4 SHEETS white one-sided ruled paper. Use relevant cover page, acknowledgment, and certificate page. Write in Black Ink only. The project should be completed in 25-3- pages. Attach the project guidelines sheet at the end of the project.
The assessment of the project will be rated based on Preparation, Procedure, Observation, Inferences, and Presentation.
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