How to write the main body of an essay, assignment, dissertation, thesis, research paper.
Split this section into clear subsections Explaining each point of the argument.
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- One paragraph, one point
- Introduce idea
- Define/explain the idea
- Offer evidence and argument
- Relate to question/brief
- If you are evaluating, be sure to state the criteria on which you are making judgements.
(For example)
Literature review
- Need to demonstrate an in-depth study of the topic has been undertaken
- Range of sources – include books, journal articles, business news articles
- A range of industry sectors have been looked at
- Up to date sources have been used as well as past research
Literature review (getting the most from a journal paper – USW supply chain management group)
What is the context of the article. WHY is the author writing about this topic/doing this research?
What does the author really want to know? Ie WHY are they doing this particular piece of research?
What did the author find out? What is the KEY message of this article? Try to write this in just 2-3 sentences.
What type of research is the author doing?
What other literature is this author citing and can it be useful for you?
Notes – challenges with the article
Split this section into clear subsections (for example)
- Industry review
- Case studies
- Drivers/ enablers
- Applications/ uses
- Limitations
- Interventions – application to practice, use case examples.
- Demonstrate how the theory maps across in practice.
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