Study notes for Class 10 students serve as the best notes for revision, especially in the later months and before the exams.
Every class 10 student has textbooks that they can refer to learn the various chapters and the topics within.
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Reading the text books is a must do during the initial months and the student should refer the text books to understand all the chapters, especially as and when the teacher finishes a chapter.
However, going through all the textbooks during the exams can take more time. Having study notes that includes all the important topics and points allows the student to effectively revise the subjects.
Here are some useful tips:
Do not start taking notes when you are reading the chapter for the first time. Make sure you read the chapter completely first, and understand it thoroughly. You can start making the notes when you are reading the chapter next time, after you have completely understood the chapter.
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Make the notes concise as possible. Include the important points. Refer to the questions from that chapter and include those points. Refer to the last years sample question papers and see what questions from that chapter were asked; include those points in the notes.
In case you do not wish to make notes, make sure you highlight the important sections, paragraphs, sentences in the chapter so that its easier to revise the main points later on.
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