Even though the current education model is interactive and immersive, and students no longer have to learn things by rote methods, many parents and students feel the pressure before exams/assessments/unit tests.
And I am talking about primary school students here.
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Going through all the chapters of the textbook before the exams can be daunting, even if you may have read it before.
Several schools provide worksheets, which are an effective way to let the child know about important things in a chapter, but most schools are inconsistent with worksheets.
They either do not provide regular worksheets or tend to provide them all together just before the exam.
The best way to learn is to prepare notes from the chapter yourself. And then you can revise from those notes before the exam.
Here are some effective ways to take notes from a chapter:
Skim the chapter first: Most chapters have a concise summary of the chapter at the end. It is a good idea to start by reading that. If it isn’t there, you should first skim the chapter first to get an overall idea of the content and main points. This can help you structure your notes better.
Divide the chapter into sections : Divide the chapter into smaller sections and focus on taking notes on one section at a time. This can help you better understand the material and avoid getting overwhelmed.
Use headings and subheadings: Use headings and subheadings to organize your notes. This can help you quickly find specific information later on.
Highlight key points : Use a highlighter or underline key points, definitions, and examples. This can help you easily identify important information when reviewing your notes later.
Use abbreviations and symbols : Use abbreviations and symbols to make note-taking more efficient. For example, use an arrow to indicate a cause and effect relationship or an asterisk to indicate important information.
Use diagrams and charts: Use diagrams and charts to help you visualize complex information. This can make it easier to remember and understand.
Write in your own words : Write the notes in your own words (in a word doc or a PPT) rather than just copying from the text. This can help you better understand the material and remember it more effectively.
Stores the notes for individual chapters for each subject on a separate folder on your laptop/computer.
You can even print the notes for easy reference (whenever it is required).
The length of the notes may depend on the specific material you are studying. Experiment with different methods and find what works best for you.
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