Intelligence Quotient test (IQ) includes questions requiring you to analyze a set of numbers, review spatial concepts or recognize patterns. IQ test is meant to measure basic processing ability, cognitive mental skills, and diagnose learning problems. Some tests are taken to access a child’s intelligence level for placement into certain gifted programs.
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Resources to improve your Child’s IQ Test Score
- The Complete Book of Intelligence Tests: 500 Exercises to Improve, Upgrade and Enhance Your Mind Strength Paperback
- Your Miracle Brain: Maximize Your Brainpower, Boost Your Memory, Lift Your Mood, Improve Your IQ and Creativity, Prevent and Reverse Mental Aging
- Raise a Smarter Child by Kindergarten: Raise IQ by up to 30 points and turn on your child’s smart genes
- Become Limitless: How to Boost Your Brain Power, Turbocharge Your Confidence and Find a Solution to Any Challenge By Doing These Simple Brain Power Exercises For 30 Minutes Every Day
Does it convey everything about a child?
Not really! It doesn’t tell you anything about a child’s individual talents or creativity, nor does it indicate personality type.
If your child scores well on the intelligence quotient test let them know how proud you are of their ability to problem solve, but do not over reward the performance. If your child scores poorly, avoid showing disappointment and communicating negative thoughts. Your child may have encountered harmful motivation such as conflict with other children, slight illness, hunger, or even lack of sleep impacting his or her performance.
Every child is born a genius. —Albert Einstein
Emergence of Other Tests
IQ tests were popular until a few years back. Since then other ability tests have been invented, such as Emotional Intelligence (ability to understand the feelings of others, and key to leading a happy & content life) tests and tests measuring a child’s creative abilities. These tests assess if a children can be potentially a good artist or actor or excel in another field, despite having a low IQ score.
Closing Thoughts
With the emergence of other types of assessments, few other other tests need to be combined with Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test to get a right idea about the abilities of a child. The point is that you really don’t have to worry (parents as well as the student) if your IQ is not up to the mark. I know people who had IQ of around 100 (which is low) but still went on to get a masters degree (nothing can beat hard-work and perseverance). Besides, reading, play time, socializing, outings, healthy living, all contribute to a child’s intelligence.
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