Project / Assignment Topics:
Q. ‘The Indian constitution protects the rights of children, women, minorities and weaker sections.’ Elaborate on the basis of a case study. Highlight the civic issues of your locality and what suggestions would you offer to address them.
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Q. Discuss the art and architectural features of any of these monuments: Buddhist Caves, Ajanta; Iron Pillar, Mehrauli; Gol Gumbaz, Bijapur; Mattancherry Synagogue, Cochin; Kamakhya Temple. Guwahati; St. Thomas Basilica, Chennai; Tower of Silence, Mumbai.
Q. Select a topic that has sufficient pictures available on it; it will help add meaning to your project. Pictures shouldn’t be very tiny. They should be a minimum of the post card size or bigger (they can be black- and- white or coloured). Every picture should be accompanied by a footnote mentioning what the picture is about.
Q. The Harappan Civilization
Things to cover – Origin Harappan Civilization, Evolution of Civilization, Harappan Civilization, Period of Harappan Civilization, Important Sites of Harappan Civilization, Sources of Information, Urban Planning, The Dwelling House, The Great Bath, The Great Granaries, The Assembly Hall, The Citadel and the Cottages, Social Life of People, The Economic Life, Art & Craft
Follow the structure – Acknowledgement, Index, Introduction, Main Body, Conlcusion and Bibliography.
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