Hindi matras are also known as vowel signs. Every letter (swar) in Hindi has its associated sound and that can be altered using the various matras.
If you live in India, you will have to learn to read and write in Hindi. Hindi and other regional languages (such as Marathi) are introduced at an early age in schools.
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While most parents are comfortable teaching other languages to their kids, Hindi and Marathi is challenging for many, especially the matras.
An important part of learning Hindi (and Marathi) are the various matras.
Hindi matras for beginners
Hindi matras are also known as vowel signs. Every Hindi vowel has its own different signs. Definition of Hindi Matra: Consonents (व्यंजन) ke bad vowels(स्वरों) ke badle hue swarup (nature) ko matra kahte hai.
Examples of how matras are used

घर, कप, फल, बतख, कमल, कलश, अमन, रमन, मगर, कलम, मटर, भरत, सड़क, चरण, भवन, गगन, अजगर, अदरक, उपवन, नटखट, चमचम, बरगद, कटहल
आ की मात्रा वाले शब्द (words with the matra ‘aa’)
कार, गाय, राजा, कान, खाना, नाक, माला, अनार, चावल, मकान, पालक, टमाटर, पाठशाला, छाता, ताला, हलवा, बादाम
ि की मात्रा वाले शब्द (words with the matra ‘e’ pronounced as in the word kick)
हिरन, किताब, चिड़िया, सितार, तकिया, मालिश, पहिया, नारियल, किशमिश, टिकट
ी की मात्रा वाले शब्द (words with the matra ‘ee’ pronounced as in the word See)
लीची, हाथी, बकरी, चाची, गीता, चाबी, चीता, डाली, मामी, मछली, पपीता
ु की मात्रा वाले शब्द (words with the matra ‘u’ pronounced as in the word pull)
पुल, गुलाब, कछुआ, धुन, चुन, सुमन, जामुन, साबुन, बुलबुल
ू की मात्रा वाले शब्द (words with the matra ‘oo’ pronounced as in the word soon)
चूहा, सूरज, भालू, मीनू, झूला, अमरुद, रूपा
ए ( े ) की मात्रा वाले शब्द (words with the matra ‘a’ pronounced as in the word cake)
शेर, सेब, पेड़, खेल, मेल, रेल, तेल, चलने, घूमने, खेलने, नेवला, रेलगाड़ी
ऐ ( ै ) की मात्रा वाले शब्द (words with the matra ‘aye’)
थैला, बैल, सैनिक, कैसा, पैर, पैसा, भैया, पैदल, मैदान, मैया
ओ (ो ) की मात्रा वाले शब्द (words with the matra ‘o’ pronounced as in the word more)
मोर, ढोलक, टोकरी, शोर, चोर, खोट, गोटी, रोटी, समोसा, मोहन, अखरोट
औ (ौ ) की मात्रा वाले शब्द (words with the matra ‘ove’ pronounced as in the word love)
कौआ, लौकी, खिलौना, चौका, मौक़ा, मौसी, दौड़ा, चौड़ा, हथौड़ा, तौलिया
Hindi matra chart
Here’s another nice chart that lists all the matras, how they sound and how to use them.

When to Use What?
Of all the ‘matras’, the most confusing ones are the E ki matra and the O (U) ki Matra. When to use the small (chhoti) E or the big (badhi) E? Same for the O (U) matras. Even adults are confused with it.
Here’s more explanation:
To know which one to use, you need to know the right pronunciation, and that’s where the problem lies. In places like Mumbai, though people speak Hindi, its not the perfect Hindi, and most of the pronunciation is incorrect. and That is why most children (and even their parents) are confused about what to use when.
Here are some examples for E ki matra (इ की मात्रा).
- Haathi (Elephant) has to be pronounced as (Haathee), so the E is the longer one (EEE). More examples ‘Cheenee’ (sugar), Geelee (wet), Didi – to be pronounced as deedee (elder sister), Diwali – to be pronounced as deewalee
- In Kitaab (Book), the Ki is short, so the smaller (choti) E has to be used. More examples
- Usually, the ‘E’ at the beginning of the word is smaller (choti), and the one at the end (and in the middle) is bigger (badhi)
Same goes for the O (U) ki matra (उ की मात्रा).
- Bhaloo (Bear), Suraj to be pronounced as Sooraj, Doodh (milk), Joota (shoes), Chakuu (Knife), Rajput to be pronounced as Rajpoot. In these examples, the bigger-badhi O (U) has to be used.
- Sukh (Happiness), Gulaab (rose), Luhaar (Ironsmith), Bulbul (bird), Gujarat. In these examples, the smaller-choti O (U) is used.
- Usually, the ‘O (U)’ at the beginning of the word is smaller (choti), and the one at the end (and in the middle) is bigger (badhi)
However, in certain words, it may not be as simple to spot these matras. The only option is to read more of Hindi literature, and try to find the right pronunciation for all the words.
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