1. Make a presentation of the major trading partners 01 India in the last 15 years. Specify the major changes that have taken place in the last five years.
2. What are the major items of export and imports from India in the last five years? Use secondary data source and make out the changes that have taken place in this context.
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- These two projects relate to changes in India’s foreign trade in recent years. While the second project relates to changes in the composition of India’s foreign trade (types of goods exported and imported), the first project relates to changes in the direction (countries to which goods are exported and countries from where the goods are imported) of India’s foreign trade.
- Any Textbook on Indian economy for undergraduate students would give you this basic information about changes in the composition and direction of India’s foreign trade. In addition, you may also consult the following: Government of India: Economic Survey, 2015-16, Chapter 6 (Volume II) on International trade, particularly sub-section 4.10 to 4.16 on composition of imports and exports and Table 7.7 on direction of Indians foreign trade. For detailed data, you may consult Economic Survey 2017-18 the Statistical Appendix given at the end of the Survey, particularly Table 7.2 (A), 7.2 (B), 7.3 (A), 7.3 (B), 7.4 (A) and 7.4 (B) pp A 102 – A 125.
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