Find the Missing Number (Numerical Riddles).
Find the Missing Number in the Circle
Here’s a numerical riddle. Look at the numbers given in the picture and find the missing number in the given circle.
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Test your numerical skills with this numerical riddle
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Answer: 625
Here’s the explanation:
The first circle has all ones.
The second square has 2 raised to 2, 3 and 4
The third circle has 3 raised to 2, 3 and 4
The fourth circle has 4 raised to 2, 3 and 4
So the middle circle will have the numbers 5 raised to 2, 3 and 4. So 5 raised to 4 (5^4) = 625
Fun with numbers riddle: Find the ‘missing number’ in the Table
Want to have some fun with numbers? Here’s a riddle. You have to find the ‘missing number’ in the Table shown in the picture.
Learning becomes enjoyable if you add some fun and a bit of challenge to it.
Look at the numbers below, can you guess what number is missing. Have fun with numbers with this riddle.
Its not difficult, school students should be able to get it.
The numbers are:
- 2 – 5 – 12
- 4 – 10 – 24
- 6 – 15 – 36
- 8 – 20 – 48
- 10 – 25 – ??
Got the correct answer? Please share it with your friends on Facebook and other social networking sites.
Find the Missing Numbers in the Series (Fun Sequence Riddle)
Here’s another fun riddle involving numbers. Here’s a sequence riddle and you have to find the missing numbers in the riddle.
Here’s the series of numbers. Can you find the missing numbers? Its easy (for high school kids)
IX – 5 – VII – 10 – V – 15 – ? – ? – I – 25
Were you able to find the correct answer, please share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.
Here’ the answer.
In the sequence, there are basically two alternating series (one has the roman numerals, and the other has the usual numbers).
- In the first series the roman numerals are reduced by …for example IX, VII, V, III, I
- In the second series the numbers are increased by 5 each time in the series; for example 5, 10, 15, 20, 25.
So the missing numbers in the sequence are:
Answer: III, 20.
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