Face Value and Place Value in Mathematics explained. Understand the difference between face value and place value of digits in a number.
This is an important concept in Math, especially for kids. And before we proceed, I hope you remember how to write the expanded form of numbers.
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So 45 can be written as 40 + 5 = Forty five
326 can be written as 300 + 20 + 7 = Three hundred twenty six
So if you take any number, its face value and place vale is going to be different, unless its a one digit number.
- Face Value is the value of a digit in a number.
- Place value of a digit is the value of a digit because of its place in a number.
So for example, consider the number 12.
In this case, the face value of 1 is 1, whereas the face value of 2 is 2.
However, the place value of 2 is 2 (2 ones) and the place value of 1 is 1 (1 ten)
Take another example, 43.
The face value of 4 is 4 and the face value of 3 is 3.
However, the place value of 3 is 3 (3 ones) and the place value of 4 is 40 (4 tens)
Here’s another example, 2936.
2736 can also be written as 2000 + 900 + 30 + 6.
In this number, the place value of 2 is two thousand whereas the face value is just 2.
That’s all to it really.
Now that you have understood the difference between face value and place value, can anybody tell me that is the place value of 5 in 7635411790098608422869634 🙂
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