EVS Project (ICSE Class 12) – SYJC (30 Marks)
Steps to Conduct the Project
Here are the steps for conducting the project work.
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Introduction of the project – (2 marks-1 page- back to back)
Background of the subject, Justification of choosing the topicImportance of the project – (2 marks-1 side page)
Why particular project is importantObjectives of the project – (2 marks-1 side page)
what is that you will find out in the project (Should Start with “To”)Methodology of the project –(4 marks-2 pages- back to back)
Methods those will be used in data collection (siting the sources, survey, interviews etc.)Observations – (4 marks-2 pages – back to back)
Data/ information collectionAnalysis – (4 marks-2 pages- back to back)
on analysis of data- discuss ‘why’ of dataResults and Conclusion –(2 marks-1 page- back to back)
what is the project outcome, what were the learnings from the project- did you fulfil objectives of project…
How to approach the Project
Selecting a topic
What topic should I research?
- Keep your eyes and ears open..
- Observe……..
- Be inquisitive……
- Ask why?????
Think big but Start small.
Should reflect what you will do.. Should not be vague, too general.
Aim and Objectives
What is that you want to find out…Write down the objectives of the project. Whether you already have little information and you want to find out further. Read relevant material.
Planning theresearch
Once you have identified the problem you want to work on – discuss with experts, Try to read some material on the subject (google is a good place to start..)
Finalise your methodology
How are you going to collect your data?
This depends on what you are going to explore
Questionnaire, semi structured interviews, observations, sample collection, lab analytical techniques.
Finalise your methodology
Spend time on this aspect.
It is the most important part of your work. Do a sample first to test.
Analysing your data
Use graphs (bar graphs, pie diagram)
This will help you to understand patterns in your data.
Interpreting the data
What do the patterns in the analysis mean?
EVS Project Topics (ICSE Class 12)
Climate action plan dedicated to mumbai keeping in tune with climate adaptation, mitigation and resilience.
Intergovernmental panel on climate change (ipcc) report – 2021 on global warming with a focus on mumbai and maharashtra.
Ramsar sites in india – conservation of wetlands.
Survey the local rainwater harvesting installations if any in your locality. List down how it has benefitted the area.
Vehicular pollution – biggest contributor to city’s air pollution.
Study the local or nearby dam and write down the environmental issues concerning the dam and the locality.
Ecosystem restoration – Conservation of Aarey which acts as drainage basin and restoration of mangroves for creating carbon sink.
Biofuels – Production of biofuels (b10-ethanol etc.) in India.
Visit a local industry and study the environmental impacts of it in the surrounding area. Carry out interviews of local people about their views on the industry.
Study population status of your village/town /city for past 20 years ( since census is conducted every ten years) available on the indian national website (http//:censusindia.gov.in). Make a graphical representation of the changes seen and discuss the changes.
Report the weather changes experienced by you and other people in your area in the previous year. Make a report on how it is afffecting your own local environment.
Use sound level app to study the sound pollution in the area. Measure the noise levels at the market place, school, hospital, traffic signal. Prepare a detail report on it. Prepare a poster suggesting measures to reduce noise levels and its harmful effects.
Visit (or one on one video call/ phone call) the nearest hospital / doctor in your locality. Prepare a questionnaire to talk to the doctor on the increase or decrease in the patients and the types of diseases reported. Write the report what are the causes of diseases and preventive measures which can be taken. Make a report of the same.
Conduct a project in your locality to find out solid waste disposal in your locality. Make a poster to reduce the waste management in the community.
Utilisation of renewable enrgy sources in india. 16. Causes, impact, mitigation measures of tropical storms and cyclones like nisarg (2020) and tauktae (2021) in mumbai city.
Wildlife conservation – protection of natural habitat.
Hi-tech project to clean Mithi river in Mumbai.
The ground water levels have gone down due to increase in use of water by people.
A number of animal species have become extinct due to excessive disturbance of the natural environment by humans.
A number of plant species have become extinct due to excessive disturbance of the natural environment by humans.
There are new patterns of disease and pest attack with changes in rainfall pattern.
Organic farming or agriculture.
Biogas: source of renewable energy
Waste water treatment
Importance of mangrove cover
Water pollution due to oil spillage.
E-waste management
Mobile towers: Effects on environment
Mobile towers: Effects on human health
Extinctions of animals or plants (take one specific animal or plant)
The Sparrow: Concerns and conservation
Vanishing vultures: too late or is there hope?
Animal testing : is it ethical?
3 R mantra: for solid waste management
Ecofriendly celebration of festivals (take one specific festival)
Red Munia birds (Sample EVS Project)
Title: To study and do the assessment of Red Munia birds ( Red Avadavat) in Shindewadi village.
Red munias as very attractive birds They are kept in cages because they are attractive. There is illegal trade of these birds as they are in high demand as cage birdsOnce upon a time they were very commonly seen however now their numbers are reducingImportance of study
Study will help to understand if there is illegal trade of birds in the area. Survey of these birds will help to identify the threats to this species. Study will throw light on the species distribution and identify the areas of occurrence. Awareness created among locals will help in protecting the species.
1. To study the distribution of red munias
2. To Study the abundance of the species (population of species)
3. To understand the threats of the species
Write about study area – location, district, population of village, major occupation of people.
Field observations- visit the areas where munias are seen on every Sunday from 8 am to 10 am from January to July ( example- will change according to the project).
Count the number of individuals seen.
Document the activity- feeding, preening, nesting .
Write down plants on which they feed. Survey of people in village about the munias – prepare a questionnaire.
Table showing month wise data of population of red munias in the study area.
They are seen in small flocks 15 to 20 of them together. Only one flock was observed which increased in january.
List of plants on which they are seen feeding.
They mostly feed on grass seeds and seen in jowar field.
They are seen chirping all the time and very agile.
Observations and analysis – monthwise population
Population of munias change monthwise in the study area as shown in fig.
In January or winter more individuals of birds are seen which keep on decreasing by summer.
Local people interviews say that they are not to be seen so commonly in recent years.
11% people informed that they have seen people catching the area.
Results and conclusion
The red munias are seen in Shindewadi and nearby villages. Their numbers increase in January as maybe some local migration of birds happen inthe area. The threat to species is there is catching of birds is seen by very few (11%)local people. Another threat is also the changing crop pattern in the area. Instead of jowar – bajra people grow sugarcane or anjir, pomgranades (dalimb).
The red munias are seen in the village fields near the flowing stream. There number is decreasing and there are no large flocks seen. The birds are caught and local people have no idea why they are caught. The people who catch them are not from village.
CISCE Class 12 Environmental Science (EVS) Syllabus
CISCE Class 12 Environmental Science (EVS) Syllabus Topics
- Modern Schools of Ecological Thought. Deep Ecology (Gary Snyder, Earth First) Vs. Shallow Ecology. Stewardship of Land (E.G. Wendell Berry).
- Social Ecology [Marxist Environmentalism and Socialist Ecology (Barry Commoner)]. Feminism. Green Politics (E.g. Germany and England). Sustainable Development
- Population and Conservation Ecology: Population and Conservation Ecology. Human Populations. Population Regulation. Human Population Control. Threats to the Ecosystem. Conservation
- Monitoring Pollution: Pollution Monitoring. Monitoring the Atmosphere: Techniques. International and National Air Quality Standards. Water Testing. Soil Testing
- Third World Development: Urban-rural Divide. A Critical Appraisal of Conventional Paradigm of Development from the Viewpoints of Sustainability, Environmental Impact and Equity. A Case Study of Gandhian Approach in Terms of Its Aims and Processes. Urban Environmental Planning and Management
- Sustainable Agriculture: Traditional Agriculture in India. Food Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: Definition: Resources; Scarcity and Growth; Natural Resource Accounting. Gnp Vs. Other Forms of Measuring Income. Economic Status and Welfare (Net Economic Welfare, Nature Capital, Ecological Capital, Etc.). Externalities: Cost Benefit Analysis (Social, Ecological). Natural Capital Regeneration
- International Relations and the Environment: Trans-national Characteristics of Environmental Issues Using Case Study of Amazonia, Trade in Wild Life and Ozone Depletion. Impact of International Politics, National Sovereignty and Interest. International Trade. International Aid
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