EVS Project for ICSE Class 11 (FYJC) students.
Guidelines for writing project report
It is mandatory for the students to write project reports according to the following guidelines. A reference list of project topics is usually provided by the school/college. Evaluation of Project work is done according to the guidelines.
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Selection of the project topic (Introduction): Student is expected to write briefly about the subject and the reasons for selecting the particular topic. Brief history, new updated information, current status of the topic should be included in introduction.
Importance of topic: Student has to write the precise importance of project work by identifying the present environmental, scientific and social value of the project topic.
Objectives of the project work: This should have the write up on what you will do in the project work and must write the appropriate objectives. The objectives of the project work should be in proper manner.
Project work methodology: A short description of how the information will be obtained under the practical approach. It is necessary to use a variety of data collection methods which includes survey, questionnaire, interviews, experiments, field observations, site visits, etc. The students should generally consider their local environmental issues for the project work (but not limited to). So that they can identify and formulate solutions to the problems surrounding them. Students should be encouraged to illustrate the problems of the selected environmental issue. Encourage use of the newspapers / self-drawn pictures/ photographs of the issues taken by the students themselves.
Observations: The data / information obtained from the selected topic should be depicted in the form of observation tables, graphs and brief points. The next part – conclusion is based on the observations recorded.
Analysis of data: It is an important step to analyze/evaluate the observations based on a various numerical or statistical methods, e.g. Mean, mode, median, correlation, average, percentage etc. Based on this analysis it becomes more accurate and effective. By this method, you can effectively indicate the numerical values through graphs, histograms, and images.
Results & Conclusions: The results should have interpretation and inference of the data / information obtained.
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