Evolution of Transport (ICSE Class 5 social Studies): Notes, study guide.
Invention of the Wheel
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During prehistoric times, people walked long distances on foot. Rich people used palanquin (palki) to travel. With the invention of the wheel, these were first attached to carts dragged by people, and later by animals.
Water for reaching distant places
Back in those days, reaching distant places was difficult because roads did not exist.
People felt that it was easier to transport goods by water. With increase in trade people undertook long voyages for trade and for exploring new lands.
Evolution of Transport
Land Transport: Sledges, animal driven carts were used in the earlier days. Later, bicycles became popular among people. Invention of steam engine brought a revolution in transportation as trains powered by steam became popular. Modern vehicles are driven by petrol and diesel.
Water Transport: Rafts and boats were used earlier for transportation. With the invention of the steam engine, and later, petrol and diesel power engines, water transport also underwent a revolution. Ferries and ships are now commonly used to transport goods and people through water.
Air Transport: In the past hot air balloons were used to travel short distances in the sky. The invention of the airplane by the Wright Brothers changed Air travel. Today, air transport is the fastest means of transport.
Challenges faced in the development of transportation
- Environmental pollution
- Traffic congestion
Government is encouraging the use of public transport to reduce environmental pollution.
As responsible citizens we must use public transport more often.
Government is also trying to introduce more fuel efficient cars and battery operated vehicles.
Questions and Answers
Question: Why is the improvement of the Transportation system a Priority among Nations?
Question: State the advantages of using a bicycle.
Question: Why is the invention of the steam engine considered a major breakthrough in the field of transportation?
Question: Who invented the Aeroplane?
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