Evolution of the Early Human beings.
Evolution of the Early Humans
Around three million years ago, apes and early humans, first appeared on the planet. The first modern humans, originated in Africa. The first human-like creatures, also called hominids, existed millions of years ago. But the hominid species didn’t survive as they were not capable to cope with lack of food, climate changes and volcanic eruptions.
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How were early humans different from the apes?
Evolved from the apes, early humans stood upright lets than five feet tall. Homo habilis were the early humans who looked like apes and made the first tools. Homo habilis was often termed as the ‘handy man’ due to the long hands that helped him climb and grab onto tree branches. They adapted to thing on the ground and took shelter in caves.
How did the early humans evolve?
After adapting to living in shelters, the early humans evolved into Homo erectus. Also known as the ‘upright man’, they had a smaller but longer face, large brain and clear speech. They made fire and also knew how to control it.
Who were the first modern humans?
As the early humans evolved into modern humans, they began moving across the planet. Soon they lived on every continent in the world, except Antarctica.
Homo sapiens, the first modern human, had large brains for the size of their slender bodies.
How did they advance?
Homo Sapiens were hunters and gatherers. They developed their speech into language. They lived in groups and gathered food from hunting and fishing.
With their skillful hands, they made stone tools, clay pots, created art, and painted rocks and cave walls with pictures of animals, hunting and people.
Related: ICSE Class 5 (Social Studies) – Evolution of human beings / The Earliest Humans / The Stone Ages
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