As part of ICSE Class 10 board exams, students are required to write a composition (essay) of around 300 to 350 words from a choice of subjects. The idea is to see how well students can describe, explain, present ideas coherently, arrive at conclusions and suggest solutions. Here are more tips and suggestions to help ICSE students master the art of answering/writing essay questions.
How to Write a Good Essay for ICSE Class X
Lot of students look for sample essays that can come in the for class 10 ICSE exam. However, instead of trying to guess, which topics come, a better approach is to learn how to structure an essay, and so some general reading on current topics.
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Here’s how to write a good essay for ICSE. Here are some hints on how to prepare for important essay topics:
- Read newspaper headlines. Usually, the Essays seem to be based on current hot topics/burning issues
- Have some information about current incidents, in politics, sports etc
- Learn how to structure an essay.
Read: How to write essay in Competitive Exams
- You would be given multiple options of essay topics. Take some time reading those topics and pick the one you’re most comfortable with.
- You can also buy ‘last 10 years question paper’ book and go through all the essays and letters to understand the style of writing, the way introduction and conclusion should be written.
With this approach, you will surely be able to write on any topic.
Essay Topics for Class X Exam
The ICSE Class X English language exam normally provides five essay topics. Pick the topic you are most comfortable with and you think you know more about.
If you take a look at the past question papers, you will see that the Essay topics are not usually repeated. It means you don’t have to by-heart any particular essay.
What they are looking for is a decent structure, they are not keen to know whether you have a mastery of the topic.
Having said that, be aware of current incidents and controversies in India, which could be one of the essay topics.
Possible topics for ICSE Class X (just have some basic idea about these and maybe practice writing on a few of these):
In the past ‘Science and Technology in Modern Society’ or ‘Comparison of various education systems’ have been hot topics. Other likely topics include demonetization in India, world peace, democracy, advent of selfies, human rights, etc.
Here are some more topics:
Artificial intelligence -job creator or job destroyer
Feminization of agriculture
Women empowerment-men have to walk extra mile
Globalisation and climate change cause or effective
Water scarcity where the buck stops.
Appo deepo bhavo
Rule of law or human rights -which comes first
Science and ethics -antagonism or synergy.
Judicial activism overeach or under performance of other two wings
Media and rule of law -two means to an end.
Fight against poverty, pollution, terrorism
Tiger, an endangered species
Child labour
Memorable day in school
Importance of sports in school life
My favourite pet
Global warming
Importance of reading
Your ambition in life
Swachchh bharat/Plastic bags/ Hygiene
Views on Fashion or show-off
Corporal punishment in school
Views on animal cruelty in circuses
Role of mother in life
TV/Computer/Mobile-boon or bane?
Nuisance by animals in public places
Interviewing a famous person
One day experience as your favourite fictional character
Trip to a hill station
A day visit to an orphanage/old age home
Story on ‘every cloud has a silver lining’
Detective story on a stolen antique
Women empowerment(with reference to Beti Bachao Beti Padhao)
Story titled ‘The gift’.
Good Books on Writing Essays
Here are a few good books on essay writing that can give your more ideas on how to write good essays, and help you to practice better.
- CBD’s ICSE Model English Essays (by Dr A.K.Mukherjee)
- Essay writing for high school -Essay writing for high school
- Cracking the English Essays For ICSE Class 10 Board Exams (by Madhuri Shukla)
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