English Literature Notes for Class 10 ICSE. Includes tips and study material/project material for ICSE class X English literature.
English Literature Project Std. X
1. Bring out the theme of appearance and reality in the play.
2. Shakespeare has struck a fine balance of love,romance and comedy in the play. Bring out the truth of the statement
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1. Discuss figures of speech used in poems 1,3,6,8,9
2. After Blenheim is an anti war poem. Discuss how the poem highlights the destruction caused bywar and the common man’s ignorance of its purpose
1. HOW has the author shown in Angel in Disguise that selflessness and compassion not only for others but also for oneself?
2.Describe the rural life as described in the story ‘A horse and two goats’.
Synergy in Mumbai (ICSE Literature Board Project)
All the below mentioned details must be included in the project
10 A – Street Food & Fine Dining
10 B – Mumbai Locals
10 C – Financial Hub & Unorganized Sector
10 D – Heritage & Legacy
10 E – Mills to Malls
10 F – Art & Culture
10 G – Cross Cultural Synergy through Festivals
10 H – Slums & Skyscrapers
10 I – Mumbai under Terror
10 J – Green Spaces & Land Reclamation
10 K – Mumbai Monsoon
10 L – Gully to Stadium
10 M – Dabbawallas
Project Components – all the components mentioned below will be included in the Board Project
1. Introduction
The pupil will write an introduction (minimum 1.5 sides of a page) based on the following
General – About Mumbai
General – What is Synergy
Particular – Synergy in Mumbai
2. Reading and Writing Component
The pupil will read about the topic allotted to his class.
He will then write 200-250 words, in his own words, based on the points given below.
A. Street Food & Fine Dining – 10A
a. Introduction
b. Food Paradise & Variety
c. Compare & Contrast
d. Prices & Hype
e. Lifestyle Change leading to a change in food habits
f. Availability & Choices – Synergy
g. S.W.O.T Analysis
h. Conclusion
B. Mumbai Locals – 10B
a. Introduction
b. Background of Indian Railways
c. Connectivity – Western, Central, Harbour
d. Service
e. Lifeline & Synergy
f. S.W.O.T Analysis
g. Conclusion
C. Financial Hub & Unorganized Sector – 10C
a. Introduction
b. Background (Commercial Capital)
c. Compare & Contrast
d. Thriving of Unorganized Sector in Mumbai
e. Interdependence & Synergy
f. S.W.O.T Analysis
g. Conclusion
D. Heritage & Legacy – 10D
a. Introduction
b. Background
c. Bombay to Mumbai
d. Archaeological and Heritage sites
e. Legacy
f. Restoration & Preservation
g. Contribution to the city & Synergy
h. S.W.O.T Analysis
i. Conclusion
E. Mills to Malls – 10E
a. Introduction
b. Background
c. Realty Development
d. Change in Demand Pattern
e. Employment Generation
f. Increase in Disposable incomes
g. S.W.O.T Analysis
h. Conclusion
F. Art & Culture – 10F
a. Introduction
b. Background
c. Performing Arts (music, theatre, dance, movies, etc)
d. Fine Arts (painting, sculpture, etc)
e. Art Festivals & Cultural Exchange (e.g. Kala Ghoda festival, Equal Streets, Mumbai
f. Kaleidoscope & Synergy
g. S.W.O.T Analysis
h. Conclusion
G. Cross Cultural Synergy through Festivals – 10G
a. Introduction
b. Names & Details of different Festivals
c. Celebrations
d. Community Connect & Synergy
e. S.W.O.T Analysis
f. Conclusion
H. Slums & Skyscrapers – 10H
a. Introduction
b. Background
c. Economic Divide (why slums? why skyscrapers)
d. Coexistence & Interdependence – Synergy
e. Compare & Contrast
f. S.W.O.T Analysis
g. Conclusion
I. Mumbai under Terror – 10I
a. Introduction
b. Background
c. Instances of when, where, who, why & how
d. Impact
e. Recovery & Synergy
f. S.W.O.T Analysis
g. Conclusion
J. Green Spaces & Land Reclamation – 10J
a. Introduction
b. Background
c. Depleting green spaces
d. Controversies
e. Reforestation & Reclamation – Synergy
f. S.W.O.T Analysis
g. Conclusion
K. Mumbai Monsoon – 10K
a. Introduction
b. Geographical Background
c. Environmental Causes & Changing Patterns
d. Infrastructure & Drainage System
e. Mayhem & Magic – Synergy
f. S.W.O.T Analysis
g. Conclusion
L. Gully to Stadium – 10L
a. Introduction
b. Background
c. Gully Games
d. Professional Sports
e. Compare & Contrast
f. Coaching & Training
g. Spirit & Synergy through spectators
h. S.W.O.T Analysis
i. Conclusion
M. Dabbawallas – 10M
a. Introduction
b. Background
c. Service, Quality, Efficiency
d. Inventory Management
e. Digitalization
f. Compare & Contrast with Food Aggregators (e.g. Swiggy, Zomato, Uber Eats etc)
g. Process & Synergy
h. S.W.O.T Analysis
i. Conclusion
3. Listening & Speaking Component
The pupil will prepare a questionnaire of 8-10 questions based on the topic (a blank
questionnaire will be attached with the project)
He will then interview 3 people based on the questionnaire.
The 3 interviews will be recorded and put on a CD
The CD will be submitted along with the project.
4. Case Study
The pupil will attach a case study based on the given topic.
5. Conclusion
The pupil will write a short report on his experience working on the project.
Elaborate his learnings on the topic he has recently learnt more about
He will also include his experience of interviewing people.
Requirements for Rough Draft
1. Rough drafts can be neatly written in file sheets
2. The must be submitted in a transparent A4 size file
3. All rough drafts must be handwritten.
4. A printed copy of the interview questionnaire must be added
5. Only content required. No pictures required in the rough draft.
Requirements for the Fair Project
1. Number of words – 1,500 – 2000
2. Fair Projects to be written in the journal.
3. Journals are to be covered with a uniform colour for each class.
4. Pens – Blue or Black only (all other colours, except red, pink and orange can be used for
5. Fair Project to be copied as it in the Rough Draft (however, an element of newness can be
added)…. Note: Entirely new content will not be accepted.
6. Order to be followed, as given below (no index required)
Cover Page
Certificate Page
Details of the given project
Case Study
7. Internal Examiner (Left Side) & External Examiner (Right Side) to be written on the Last Page
of the project – i.e. after the Acknowledgement
8. Rough Drafts to be submitted in an envelope, along with the Fair Project.
9. Pictures (or drawings) to be stuck on the left hand side and content to be written on the right
10. Format of the Cover Page is given below.
Tips to Score Well
Thoroughly read your text book, follow your school notes. You may also download the Pupil Performance from CISCE to get an idea on what is expected from each question.
The moderators look for certain points and give you marks accordingly, the length of the answer doesn’t matter much. Ask your teachers to give you notes.
For drama, thoroughly read the whole book, know about the personalities of characters, about additional characters such as Nestor, Janus etc. You could use the Workbook by Xavier Pinto. There are also guides available for short stories and poetry. you can also watch movies on which its based.
However, the books by themselves should suffice.
Every book usually have one Shakespearean play, 10 short stories and 10 poems. Read the drama, stories and poems thoroughly. You should be able to quote the important parts in the play and in the poems. Go through previous papers. Practice as many extracts and essays as you can. If your teacher gives notes, use those too.
That’s what you need to do to score well in English literature for ICSE Class 10.
How to get more marks in the poetry section:
- Incorporate certain verses that are important, i.e. play a key part in relating the message/essence of the poem, in your answer. Ask your teacher, or go through the poetry workbooks to get an idea regarding the same.
- Mention the various symbolisms used in the poem and use the same to answer the question asked.
Focus on the themes of the poem, as well. These are usually mentioned in the workbooks (if not, ask your teacher for help). - Underline the key vocabulary words used in the workbooks, and try to incorporate these words in your answers to make them more precise and relevant. Underline them in your answers, as well.
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