“Electoral Politics” – ICSE Class 9 – Civics – Notes, Questions and Answers.
The most common form of democracy in our times is for the people to govern through their representatives. In this chapter we will look at how these representatives are elected.
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Why do we need elections?
Elections take place in a democracy regularly. Suppose if we do not have elections then all the people would have to sit together everyday and take all the decisions. But this kind of rule of the people is not possible in any large community nor is it possible for everyone to have the time and knowledge to take decisions on all matters.
Thus, a mechanism is required by which people can choose their representatives at regular intervals and change them if they wish to do so. This mechanism is called Election.
What makes an election democratic?
All democratic countries hold elections. Some non-democratic countries also hold elections. But such elections cannot really be called democratic elections. Let us see some minimum conditions of a democratic election:
- Everyone should have one vote and every vote should have equal value.
- Parties and candidates should be free to contest elections.
- Elections must be held regularly.
- The candidate preferred by the people should get elected.
- Elections should be conducted in a free and fair manner.
Thus, elections are all about political competition. But, is it good to have political competition?
Clearly, an electoral competition has many demerits (disadvantages).
- It creates a sense of disunity.
- Parties and candidates often use dirty tricks to win elections.
- Good people do not want to join politics as they do not like such unhealthy competition.
Our constitution makers were quite aware of all such problems yet they kept the provision of elections as they knew that our political leaders in order to remain in power and positions would definitely do some kind of welfare of the people. Thus, regular elections make political parties and leaders work for the people.
What is our system of elections?
In India, Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha (Assembly) elections are held regularly after every five years.
Elections are held in all constituencies at the same time, either on the same day or within a few days. This is called a general election.
Sometimes election is held only for one constituency to fill the vacancy caused by death or resignation of a member. This is called a by-election.
Here, we will focus on general elections. Let us go through the different stages of general elections.
Electoral Constituencies
The country is divided into different areas for purposes of elections. These areas are called electoral constituencies. The voters who live in an area elect one representative. The makers of our constitution thought of a special system of Reserved Constituencies for the weaker sections.
Voters’ list
In a democratic election, the list of those who are eligible to vote is prepared much before the election and given to everyone. This list is officially called the Electoral Roll and is commonly known as the Voters’List.
Nomination of candidates
Political parties nominate their candidates who get the party symbol and support. Every person who wishes to contest an election has to fill a ‘nomination form’ and give some money as ‘security deposit’.
Election Campaign
The main purpose of election is to give people a chance to choose their representatives. So, they need to know who is a better representative and which party will make a better government. This is what happens during election campaigns.
The candidates contact their voters, political leaders address election meetings and political parties mobilize their supporters.
Polling and counting of votes
The final stage of an election is the day when the voters cast or ‘poll’their vote. That day is usually called the election day. Nowadays Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) are used to record votes.
In a general election, usually the counting of votes in all the constituencies takes place at the same time, on the same day. Within a few hours of counting, all the results are declared and it becomes clear as to who will form the next government.
What Makes Elections In India Democratic?
In our country, elections are conducted by an independent and very powerful Election Commission (EC). The Chief Election Commissioner is appointed by the President of India.
- Election Commission takes decisions on every aspect of conduct and control of elections.
- During the election period the EC can order the government to follow some guidelines.
- When on election duty, the government officers work under the control of the EC and not the government.
Acceptance of election outcome
If elections are not free and fair, the outcome (result) always favours the powerful. In such case the ruling party do not lose elections. But in India, the ruling parties routinely lose elections both at the national and state level.
All this leads to a simple conclusion that elections in India are basically free and fair.
Challenges to free and fair elections
If we ask deeper questions then we will see that there are some challenges (problems) which are faced by our elections. Some of them are:
- Candidates and parties with a lot of money enjoy a big advantage over smaller parties.
- Sometimes candidates with criminal connection get a chance to contest elections.
- Some families tend to dominate political parties.
- Citizens get very little choice.
- Smaller parties and independents suffer a huge disadvantage.
These deeper issues are a matter of concern for those who believe in democracy.
Questions and Answers
1. What is the motive of Reserved Constituencies? (a) Right to Vote (b) Right to Life (c) To ensure proper representation to the weaker sections like SC and ST (d) None of these
2. Elections in India for Parliament and State Legislature are conducted by- (a) Prime Minister (b) Chief Justice of India (c) Election Commission of India (d) None of these
Q2. Explain the following terms in two or three sentences: (a) General Election (b) By-election
Q3. Give any two demerits of Electoral Competition.
Q4. What is the Voters’List?
Q5. More questions and answers:
1. How far is it good to have political competition?
Answer: It is good to have political competition.
- In a democracy political leaders know what is good for the people. It motivates them to serve the people.
- Regular electoral competition provides an initiative to political parties and leaders.
- Leaders realize that if they work for people they would become popular and their chance to win would increase.
2. What are the powers and functions of the Election Commission of India?
Answer: Powers and functions of Election Commission of India:
- To conduct and control the election from the announcement of elections to the declaration of the results.
- It implements code of conduct and punishes the candidate or party that violates it.
- To order the government to follow guidelines.
- To prevent use and misuse of government machinery at the time of election.
- When on election duty, government officers work under the control of the EC and not the government.
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