Elections in India: Notes, questions and answers.
In a democratic form of government, people choose representatives to form the government. This process of electing a leader is known as an election. The Election Commission announces the elections in India and also conducts the elections.
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The party that wins the maximum seats in the elections forms the government; the other elected members from the opposition. In a coalition government, two or more parties join hands to form the government.
- Which form of government is present in India?
Answer: Democracy - Where is the Parliament of India located?
Answer: New Delhi - Who was the first President of India?
Answer: Dr. Rajendra Prasad - Who was the first Prime Minister of India?
Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru
ICSE Class 5 Questions:
- Why is it important to cast vote?
- Explain the term ‘constituency’
- Who forms the opposition?
- What is a coalition government?
- How can a government be changed during its term?
- Mention three responsibilities of a good citizen
Project TOPIC
“Elections form the bedrock of the largest democracy in the world-India”. With reference to the 2019 Lok Sabha elections discuss the following topics:
A] Method of Election:
- Direct Election. `
- Universal Adult Franchise
- Secret Ballot
- Latest Technology used for voting.
B) Election Process in India.
- Formation of Constituencies
- Filling of Nominations
- Rules to he followed during Election Campaign
- Election Manifesto (any four National Parties)
- Counting of Votes and Declaration of Results
C) Formation of the Government.
- Appointment of Prime Minister and Council of Ministers.
- List of Cabinet Ministers, Ministers of State and Deputy Ministers.
- Role of Opposition Party in a Democratic set up.
D) Goals set by the newly formed government utter the election.
E) Your expectations as a citizen, from the New Government.
Instructions: The Project should he presented in a hardbound inter-leafed journtal consisting of ll0 pages.
Sufficient Research & Reference work is expected from the students. Use relevant illustrations. The project must include a Bonafide certificate on the page after the index. Cover the journal with Royal Blue chart paper.
The cover page should indicate: Name. (Class, Division and Roll No.)
All headings and subtopics must be written in BLOCK LETTERS.
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