E-Commerce and Digital Marketing for (Third Year) BMS Students: Syllabus, notes, assignments, and projects.
BMS stands of bachelor of management studies and is a popular course at the undergraduate (UG) level in Mumbai colleges. E-Commerce and Digital Marketing is a subject for third-year BMS (TYBMS) courses in Mumbai.
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Projects/Assignments: E-Commerce and Digital Marketing BMS Students
BMS Students looking for project/assignment help on E-Commerce and Digital Marketing.
E-Commerce and Digital Marketing is a recently added topic to the BMS syllabus, and a great opportunity for students to learn about this popular field.
Most BMS students have to make assignment/project on Digital Marketing & E-commerce. In case you are also looking for some help, feel free to get in touch with us.
- Importance of Internet and Digital Marketing to businesses in the modern business environment
- How does it benefit businesses, how it impacts the bottom line?
- How to build/take a strategic approach to Digital Marketing
- Measurement and Performance Analysis in Digital Marketing
Modules at a Glance
- Introduction to E-commerce
- E-Business & Applications
- Payment, Security, Privacy &Legal Issues in E-Commerce
- Digital Marketing
E-Commerce and Digital Marketing – Syllabus Overview
Introduction to E-commerce
Ecommerce- Meaning, Features of E-commerce, Categories of E-commerce, Advantages &Limitations of E-Commerce, Traditional Commerce &E-Commerce
Ecommerce Environmental Factors: Economic, Technological, Legal , Cultural & Social
Factors Responsible for Growth of E-Commerce, Issues in Implementing ECommerce, Myths of E-Commerce
Impact of E-Commerce on Business, Ecommerce in India
Trends in E-Commerce in Various Sectors: Retail, Banking, Tourism, Government, Education
Meaning of M-Commerce, Benefits of M-Commerce, Trends in M-Commerce
E-Business & Applications
E-Business: Meaning, Launching an E-Business, Different phases of Launching an EBusiness
Important Concepts in E-Business: Data Warehouse, Customer Relationship Management , Supply Chain Management, Enterprise Resource Planning
Bricks and Clicks business models in E-Business: Brick and Mortar, Pure Online, Bricks and Clicks, Advantages of Bricks & Clicks Business Model, Superiority of Bricks and Clicks E-Business Applications: E-Procurement, E-Communication, EDelivery, E-Auction, E-Trading.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in E-Business: Meaning of EDI, Benefits of EDI,Drawbacks of EDI, Applications of EDI.
Website : Design and Development of Website, Advantages of Website, Principles of Web Design, Life Cycle Approach for Building a Website, Different Ways of Building a Website
Payment, Security, Privacy &Legal Issues in E-Commerce
Issues Relating to Privacy and Security in E-Business
Electronic Payment Systems: Features, Different Payment Systems :Debit Card, Credit Card ,Smart Card, E-cash, E-Cheque, E-wallet, Electronic Fund Transfer.
Payment Gateway: Introduction, Payment Gateway Process, Payment GatewayTypes, Advantages and Disadvantages of Payment Gateway.
E-Commerce Laws: Need for E-Commerce laws, E-Commerce laws in India, Legal Issues in E-commerce in India, IT Act
Digital Marketing
Introduction to Digital Marketing, Advantages and Limitations of Digital Marketing.
Various Activities of Digital Marketing: Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Content Marketing & Content Influencer Marketing, Campaign Marketing, Email Marketing, Display Advertising, Blog Marketing, Viral Marketing, Podcasts & Vodcasts.
Digital Marketing on various Social Media platforms.
Online Advertisement, Online Marketing Research, Online PR
Web Analytics
Promoting Web Traffic
Latest developments and Strategies in Digital Marketing.
[easyazon_link keywords=”E-Commerce and Digital Marketing Reference Books ” locale=”IN”]Reference Books for E-Commerce and Digital Marketing[/easyazon_link]
E-Commerce and Digital Marketing : ~
1. D Nidhi ,E-Commerce Concepts and Applications, ,Edn 2011, International Book house P.ltd
2. Bajaj Kamlesh K,E-Commerce- The cutting edge of Business
3. Whiteley David, E-Commerce Technologies and Apllications-2013
4. E-Business & E-Commerce Management 3rd Ed, Pearson Education
5. Kalokota & Robinson,E-Business 2.0 Road map for Success, Pearson Education
6. Elias M. Awad ,Electronic Commerce, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education
7. Erfan Turban et.al ,Electronic Commerce – A Managerial Perspective, Pearson Education
8. R. Kalokota, Andrew V. Winston, Electronic Commerce – A Manger’s Guide, Pearson Education
9. Tripathi, E-Commerce, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai, Edn. 2010
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