What is dominion status? Is it similar to independence? If not, how does it differ from complete independence?
Just before India got independence, there were several proposals put forth by the British Government, one of which was the proposal to give India a Dominion Status.
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However, it was not acceptable to Indian leaders who wanted complete Independence.
So what exactly is a Dominion, or what does one mean by dominion status?
While Dominion status does confer a high level of independence to a country, it is not the same as complete independence.
For example, in the case of India, the Dominion status that was offered to India before independence would have given the Indian Government complete freedom to manage its own internal affairs, however, things like foreign policy would be managed by the British.
However, Indian leaders rejected this offer and sought complete independence.
When a country has complete independence, it is truly sovereign, which means its government has the complete freedom to manage its internal as well as external affairs.
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