There are different types of digital networks today that businesses rely upon, focussing particularly upon the internet, its historic development and the way in which it works. This topic covers The Internet of Things (IoT), a network of physical objects (Things) embedded with sensors, processors etc. connected to the Internet and its impact on new business processes and products is examined. The rise of the Social Web, Social Media, Instant Messaging and Web Applications are considered within the context of business, innovation and competitive advantage.
- Understand the historic development of the internet and its impact on business.
- Understand the Internet of Things (IoT) and its potential impact on businesses, products and services.
- Understand the Social Web, Social Media, Instant Messaging and Web Applications within the context of business, innovation and competitive advantage.
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Digital Internet Technologies
“Digital business is the creation of new business designs by blurring the digital and physical worlds. Digital business promises to usher in an unprecedented convergence of people, business, and things that disrupts existing business models. With billions of people and businesses and devices, communicating, transacting, and even negotiating with each other, a new world comes into being — the world of digital business,” Gartner, 2014.History of the Internet
Here’s a bit on the history of the internet and how it works.
The Internet of Things (IoT)
To introduce what is meant by the Internet of Things, watch this video by Dr. John Barrett, Head of Academic Studies at the Nimbus Centre for Embedded Systems Research at Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) and Group Director of the Centre’s Smart Systems Integration Research Group.
The Internet and Web Applications
To introduce the topic of how Social Media impacts business, watch this video from TEDx in which strategist Starr Hall offers ideas and insight on how local businesses can use social media to impact their brand. Drawing from her experience working with companies like Sprint, UPS and Samsung, Starr generates and applies new strategies and ideas for business big and small.
Web 2.0 and the Social Web
Web 2.0: the Web as a computing platform that supports software applications and the sharing of information among users.
Social networking Web sites enable users to share information abut themselves and to find, meet, and converse with others Rich Internet applications are available that run in a Web browser and do not require local installation.
The Web is a powerful tool for keeping informed about local, state, national, and global news
Education and Training
Web is ideally suited as a tool for sharing information and a primary repository of information on all subjects Distance education offers classes via the WebJob Information
Providing information about a businesses and its products via Web site and social media increases the company’s exposure and reputation. The Web is an excellent source of job-related information. Examples: www.linkedin.com, www.monster.com, and www.careerbuilder.com
Search Engines and Web Research
Information on the Web is found by specifying keywords (Google is the biggest search engine).
Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a process for driving traffic to a Web site by using techniques that improve the site’s ranking in search results
Online research databases allow visitors to search for information in thousands of journal, magasine, and newspaper articles
Instant messaging
Online, real-time communication between two or more people who are connected via the Internet
Microblogging, Status Updates, and News Feeds
Twitter allows users to send short text updates from a smartphone or a Web browser to their Twitter followers
Popularity of Twitter has caused social networks, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Tumbler, to include Twitter-like news or blog post feeds
The Internet has made it possible for those involved in teleconferences to share computer desktops. Video conferencing software (Zoom, GoToMeeting) enables employees to attend training without leaving their assigned stations. Telepresence systems use high-resolution video and audio with high-definition displays. Google Voice and Skype allow video chats.
Blogging and Podcasting
Web log (blog): a Web site that people can create and use to write about their observations, experiences, and opinions on a wide range of topics
Video log (vlog): blogging with video content
Podcast: an audio broadcast over the Internet
Online Media and Entertainment
Content streaming: a method of transferring large media files over the Internet. The data stream of voice and pictures plays continuously as the file is being downloaded.
Music: Internet radio is digitally delivered to your computer over the Internet. Downloaded music may employ Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology to limit the user’s ability to make copies.
Movies, Video, and Television: Internet-based television platforms (e.g., Netflix and Joost) provide television programming. There are websites that provide access to online movies. YouTube supports the online sharing of user-created videos
Online Games and Entertainment: The market for Internet gaming is very competitive and constantly changing. Many video games are available online.
Shopping Online
Shopping on the Web can be convenient, easy, and cost effective.
Retail stores provide access to many products that may be unavailable in local stores
Online clearinghouses, Web auctions, and marketplaces provide a platform for businesses and individuals to sell their products and belongings
Amazon is the biggest e-Commerce company. eBay is the most popular online auction/marketplace
Businesses benefit from shopping online
Travel, Geolocation, and Navigation
The Web has had a profound effect on the travel industry and the way people plan and prepare for trips
Mapping and geolocation tools (MapQuest, Google Maps, and Bing Maps)
Geographic information systems (GIS) provide geographic information layered over a map
Geo-tagging is possible on Twitter and Facebook
More Resources
Principles of Business Information Systems by Thomas Chesney, George Reynolds and Ralph Stair.
From Machine-to-Machine to the Internet of Things: Introduction to a New Age of Intelligence.
Examples of the use and impact of the internet within the Case Study Organisation.
Examples of the impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) in terms of new products or services for the Case Study Organisation.
Social Web, Social Media, Instant Messaging and Web Applications within the context of business, innovation and competitive advantage in Organisations.
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