Creating a Digital-First Organization: Video by Deloitte Consulting.
It refers to the capabilities which fit an individual or manager for living, learning and working in a digital society.
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- Its about Technology as well as People.
- Todays Digital Business uses all of these Digital Capabilities in order to be successful.
- One key challenge is staff development.
Elements of Digital capabilities
- ICT proficiency (Functional skills)
- Information, data and media literacies (Critical use)
- Digital creation, problem solving and innovation (Creative production)
- Digital communication, collaboration and participation (Participation)
- Digital learning and development (Development)
- Digital identity and wellbeing (Self-actualising)
Defining organisational digital capability
Organisational Digital Capability is defined as the extent to which the culture, policies and infrastructure of an organisation enable and support digital practices.
One particular organisation that is currently exploring how to increase the digital capabilities of its workforce is the UK Government Department for Work and Pensions Universal Credit section.
JISC definition: We define digital capability as the extent to which the culture, policies and infrastructure of an organisation enable and support digital practices.
McKinsey and Company definition: ‘the systems, tools, digital skills, and technology needed to achieve our digital goals.’
Organisational Digital capability framework (example)
Digital Transformation Enablers:
- Innovation Capability
- Transformation Capability
- IT Excellence
Digital Transformation Goals:
- Customer Centricity
- Effective Knowledge Worker
- Operational Excellence
The JISC framework
Jisc (formerly the Joint Information Systems Committee) is a United Kingdom not-for-profit company whose role is to support post-16 and higher education, and research, by providing relevant and useful advice, digital resources and network and technology services, while researching and developing new technologies.
Digital capabilities: The six elements
ICT proficiency (Functional Skills):
- ICT proficiency: The use of ICT-based devices, applications, software and services.
- ICT productivity: The use of ICT-based tools to carry out tasks effectively, productively, and with attention to quality.
Information, data and media literacies (Critical Use):
- Information literacy: The capacity to find, evaluate, manage, curate, organise and share digital information.
- Data literacy: The capacity to collate, manage, access and use digital data
- Media literacy: The capacity to critically receive and respond to messages in a range of digital media
Digital creation, problem solving and innovation (Creative production):
- Digital Creation: The capacity to design and/or create new digital artefacts and materials
- Problem Solving: The capacity to use digital evidence to solve problems and answer questions
- Digital Innovation: The capacity to adopt and develop new practices with digital technology
Digital communication, collaboration and participation (Participation):
- Digital Communication: The capacity to communicate effectively in digital media and spaces
- Digital Collaboration: The capacity to participate in digital teams and working groups
- Digital Participation: The capacity to participate in, facilitate and build digital networks
Digital learning and development (Development):
- Digital Learning: The capacity to participate in and benefit from digital learning opportunities
- Digital Teaching: The capacity to support and develop others in digitally-rich settings
Digital identity and wellbeing (Self-actualising):
- Digital Identity Management: The capacity to develop and project a positive digital identity or identities and to manage digital reputation.
- Digital Wellbeing: The capacity to look after personal health, safety, relationships and work-life balance in digital settings
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