A declamation speech is a shortened version of a speech that was delivered earlier by a well-known personality. The person giving the declamation speech can use their own words and thoughts to deliver the original message.
A declamation speech is a motivational speech, and the idea is not to imitate the original person but to deliver the message of the original orator in your own way, and make it shorter.
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Structure of a declamation speech
Several schools how have declamation speech competitions where students are expected to give speech of well-known personalities.
Here is a format to be followed when giving a declamation speech:
- Provide Introduction: For example, “Respected Teachers, I am (mention name) from Class (mention standard-division). My declamation speech is based on Barrack Obama’s address to the students of St Xavier College, Mumbai”.
- Say the Speech
- Say ‘Thank You’ in the End.
Declamation Speech Competition Requirements
Here is the requirement of a Declamation Speech Competition for students aged under 10 years.
Each speaker will be given 3 minutes to speak. At the end of 2 minutes 30 seconds, a warning bell will be rung. The final bell will be sounded at the end of the third minute. Speaking for less than 2 minutes 30 seconds and more than 3 minutes will entail a deduction of 5 marks by each judge. It has to be a speech that has been delivered by a national or international personality.
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