The telecommunication industry has quickly evolved from offering local and long distance telephone services to providing many other comprehensive communication services ,including fax,pager,cellular,phone,internet messenger,images,e mail,computer and web data transmission,and many other data traffic.the integration of telecommunication computer network,internet and numerous other means of communication and computing is also underway moreover,with the deregulation of the telecommunication industry in many countries and the development of new computer and communication technologies,the telecommunication market is rapidly expanding and highly competitive .this creates a great demand for data mining in order to help understand the business involved,identify telecommunication pattern catch fraudulent activities ,make better use of resources and improve the quality of service.
Comprehensive communication service by telecommunication industry:-as telecommunication industry is providing many other comprehensive communication services like,web data transmission compared with traditional plain text, a web page has more structure,web pages are also regarded as semi structured data. The basic data structure of web page is its DOM(document object model) structure. The dom structure of a web page is a tree structure,where every html tag in the page correspond to a node in the dom tree. The web page can be segmented by some predefined structure tags. Unfortunately due to the flexibility of html syntax,many web pages do not obey w3c html specifications,which may result in errors in the dom3 structure. Moreover the DOM tree was initially introduced for presentation in the browser rather than description of the semantic structure of the web page.
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Authoritative web page:- “what is meant by authoritative web pages “ suppose we would like to search for web pages relating to a given topic ,such as financial investing.in addition to retrieving pages that are relevant ,we also hope that the pages retrieved will be of high quality,or authoritative on the topic. Bout how can a search engine automatically identify authoritative web pages from any topic.
This idea has motivated some interesting studies on mining authoritative pages on the web .there have been extensive research activities on the construction and use of the semantic web. Web mining includes mining web linkage structure,web contents,web access patterns.web mining started in recent years together with the development of web search engines and web information service systems.there have been a great deal of work on web data modeling and web query systems.
In nutshell ,we can say that if we want to promote data-mining in telecommunication industry then we have to promote data mining in web data transmission.the shortcomings or loopholes ,in web data transmission ,if removes completely can directly enhance data mining in telecommunication industry.
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