Dadabhai Naoroji (4 September 1825 – 30 June 1917), also known as the “Grand Old Man of India” was an Indian Parsi scholar, trader, and politician, who spent most of his time in Britain. He was the first Asian to become a British MP and was a member of Parliament (MP) in the United Kingdom House of Commons between 1892 and 1895. Naoroji was among the earliest political and social leaders who could see the evils of the colonial administration, brought attention to the draining of India’s wealth into Britain, and pushed for India’s freedom from the British Raj.
Born to a Parsi family and educated at Elphinstone College, Bombay (now Mumbai), Dadabhai Naoroji later became a professor of mathematics and natural philosophy at Elphinstone College, the first time an Indian accomplished this feat of securing an academic position.
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Later, his career in commerce took him to England, where he spent much of his life.
Naoroji always had a keen interest in Politics, and in Britain, he stood several times for election to the House of Commons but faced considerable racism each time. Known as the ‘Grand Old Man of India’, Naoroji was eventually elected and became the first ever Asian to be a British MP. During his time in the House of Commons, Naoroji devoted his time towards improving the situation in India and campaigned for Indian independence.
Dadabhai Naoroji was instrumental in the formation of the Indian National Congress and other important organizations like the Royal Asiatic Society of Bombay and the East Indian Association in London among many others.
Naoroji was one of the founding members of the Indian National Congress (INC) and did several praiseworthy works in the congress. Thrice, he was elected as the president of INC.
Because of his business acumen and incredible aptitude for economics, Naoroji could see how the British were talking away wealth from India. He was among the first to question Britain’s role in India and said that Indians were either British subjects or British slaves.
In his many writings and speeches and especially in Poverty and Un-British Rule in India (1901), Naoroji argued that India was too highly taxed and that its wealth was being drained away to England.
In his book, Naoroji spoke about the renowned ‘Theory of Drain of Wealth’ which provided ground-breaking insights to the various forms of exploitation carried out by the colonial British that took place in incalculable magnitudes eventually leading to the continuous impoverishment of India. Naoroji believed that it was important to allow India to develop industries; however, this would not be possible without the revenue draining from India into England.
A believer of equality and an upholder of progressive views, Dadabhai Naoroji believed in equal treatment of both men and women and was a great supporter of education for women. He spoke strictly against all forms of caste discrimination and oppression and upheld the importance of constitutional procedures.
A staunch moderate within the congress, Naoroji was a mentor to other young leaders such as Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Gopal Krishna Gokhale and Mohandas Karamchand (Mahatma) Gandhi.
Question and Answers on Dadabhai Naoroji (History and Civics)
Question: Role of Dadabai Naoroji in the growth of nationalism.
Answer: While staying in England, Dadabai Naoroji was considered as the unofficial ambassador of India fighting for the rights and cause of the Indian people. He raised important matters related to India in the House of Commons. I was due to his efforts that the House of Commons passed the resolution of simultaneously holding the ICS Examinations in India and England.
Dadabai Naoroji played an important part in the foundation of the Indian National Congress. Under his Presidentship, resolutions on self-government, boycott, swadeshi and national education were passed by the Congress.
Question: What According to Dadabhai Naoroji the single cause of India’s poverty? – History and Civics
Answer: According to Dadabhai Naoroji the single cause of India’s poverty was the faulty economic policies followed by the British in India. He authored the book, “Poverty and Un-British rule in India and propounded the theory of Drain of Indian wealth.
Question: Mention Two Contributions of Dadabhai Naoroji to the National Movement?
Answer: i) Founded the East India Association in London in 1866.
ii) He founded the Bombay Association, and edited the newspaper Rast Goftar (Speaker of Truth)
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