Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Importance in recent years and explanation of various concepts
Academic Questions on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Question: Green Marketing Mix & Corporate Social Responsibility. Here, you need to look at the green marketing mix, sustainable marketing mix and how the chosen organisation applies sustainability and corporate social responsibility to their operations, You should also look potential opportunities in this respect. If they are not already exploiting any CSR or green activities, how can they change their marketing mix to be more sustainable, be more environmentally friendly and sustainable?
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- Evaluate the current Corporate Social Responsibility & Environmental activities of the case business
- Examine areas of best practice from the industry & competitors for the case business to utilise
- Make sure to use supporting market research and academic references.
Q. Pick & choose a Sustainability report of an Indian company in the Services domain only & choose any one Water Management initiative & any one Rural Management initiative being undertaken by the organisation. Analyze and explain the initiative’s qualitative and quantitative data in the form of a case, such that it showcases all the
benefits, financial and non-financial that accrue to the company.
Q. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport, Mumbai (CSIA) has offered a job role to you in the capacity of a CSR Head. The Airport has created this position recently & has no previous experience in CSR. Describe in brief atleast 10 innovative initiatives that you will implement & drive in this new organization of yours.
Q. One of United Nations Sustainable Development Goal is ‘Zero Hunger’. The primary objective behind this goal is to ensure availability & sustainable management of food for all.
a. What according to you are five compelling reasons behind the existence of Hunger issues in India?
b. Suggest five strategies/action plan that can be adopted by businesses to make Zero Hunger an achievable target in India in the coming years.
Q. Corporate social responsibility has been widely accepted and practiced in most of the organizations throughout the world.
a. Discuss any one company’s CSR Initiatives which has inspired you for all these years.
Highlight the initiatives with respect to CSR Activities. (5 Marks)
b. Enumerate the Benefits of CSR.
Corporate Social Responsibility Case Study:
M/s Sun Shine is in the manufacturing of best quality ISO certified Solar Panels. The company is known for the durable solar panels having best features. The government provides subsidy to the customers buying solar panels under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission in the country. The company has been doing well consistently over the period of years. The awareness for usage of Solar as a source of energy is increasing day by day. The company sells solar panels at the lowest possible price. The company’s vision is to light every house in the rural India.
Q. The company wants to sell Solar Panels in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh as a part of “Go Global” Initiative. Explain the benefits and demerits of Globalization for M/s Sun Shine
Q. The company plans to do CSR activity in rural India and hires you as a consultant to advice the organization for at least five CSR activities. Which one activity among the suggested five activities you would select for M/s Sun Shine. Explain the same with reason.
Q a) Assume you plan to implement one of the CSR activity, explain the process that you would follow for its implementation in the organization.
Q b) Explain any three voluntary codes in CSR that you would apply for the organization. Explain the benefits of the same for M/s Sun Shine.
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