Cookery is one of the optional subjects under group C for ICSE students. This subject aims to make students aware of various food related concepts and cookery principles. Students learn the basics of food, diet, cooking and kitchen. It will help students prepare nutritional food.
Students will know the health benefits of different types of cooked foods. Students can plan and prepare balanced nutrition for their family members.
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About Food
Q. Food labeling is an essential component in all food processing industries. In this context: (a) State the information printed on a biscuit packet. (b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using convenience foods? (c) Differentiate between wholesale and retail shopping.
Q. Factors that decide the selection of food.
Q. Factors to be considered while storing semi perishable food.
Q. List any four perishable foods.
Q. Give any four examples of dehydrated foods
Q. Name any four household methods of food preservation.
Q) State the importance of preservation of food. Explain the following methods of food preservation with their principles: (i) Refrigeration (ii) Dehydration.
Q. How would one select and store cereals and pulses?
Q. Describe the preparation of orange squash at home using a chemical preservative.
Q. What does FPO stand for? Name two food items sold under this mark.
Ans: Fruit Products Order (FPO) mark is a fruit product certification mark mandatory on all processed fruit products sold in India.
Q. Name four household pests that pollute food.
Q. What factors should be kept in mind while purchasing food in bulk?
Q. Diseases caused due to the use of contaminated water in the kitchen?
Q. Milk powder and jam have a longer shelf-life
Q. What precautions should be taken while storing food in the refrigerator?
Q. Why is it not advisable to purchase food items from a supermarket?
Q. How should the following be stored at home: (a) Eggs (b) Milk
Q. How can food borne infectious diseases be prevented?
Q. Explain any five causes of food spoilage.
Q. How should one store fruits and vegetables which are freshly harvested from a garden?
Q. Write a short note on canning.
Q. What are the advantages of preserving food?
Q. Name two foods which are rich sources of minerals, yet cheaply available.
Q. Name any two fruit which are commonly used for making pickles.
Q. Seasonal food should be purchased.
Q. Fruits and vegetables should be blanched before freezing.
Q. Mention two causes of food spoilage.
Q. Define pasteurization.
Q. Why should organ meat not be refrigerated for more than a day?
Diet & Meal Plan
Q. List the five food groups and their nutritional contribution to a diet.
Q. Give any five suggestions to set a formal table.
Q. Describe any five objectives of meal planning.
Q. List the advantages of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Name any two fruits which are available during summer.
Q. Define the term ‘food fads’.
Q. Why should convenient foods be used sparingly?
Q. List two advantages of a buffet service.
Q. State any two ways of accommodating an unexpected guest for a meal at home.
Q. A meal plan needs to accommodate the traditional and cultural habits of the family. Explain with an example.
Q. Define Therapeutic diet.
Q. Importance of diet therapy.
Q. Iodine deficiency affects the pregnant woman and the unborn child.
Q. How are convenient foods helpful to a housewife?
Q. Explain the term “satiety value” of food. Name two foods that have a high satiety value.
Q. Describe two ways in which diet can be modified to be used as a therapy.
Q. Why is there a need for special considerations while planning a meal for a school going child?
Q. Why is there a need for special consideration while planning a meal for a pre-school child?
Q. The preschool stage is the right age to inculcate good eating habits. Suggest any two ways of doing so.
Q. School going children should be given a good breakfast.
Q. Proper nutrition is most essential during convalescence. Explain.
Q. State any two unhealthy dietary practices common among adolescents which suppresses their appetite.
Q. Convenient foods are helpful on a rainy day.
Q. Explain the psychological aspects of meal planning.
Q. Name the five food groups and discuss the nutritional contribution of each group
Q. State the factors to be kept in mind while planning meals for: (a) A diabetic person. (b) Senior citizens (c) Person suffering from diarrhea.
Q. Give any two factors leading to obesity.
Q. How much of protein and calorie content should a breakfast contribute in the diet of an adult?
Q. Enumerate any five factors to be considered while planning meals for a patient suffering from fever.
Q. How is a diet modified for a person suffering from fever?
Q. State the importance of water in the diet of an elderly person?
Q. Deficiency of which two nutrients causes anaemia? State two causes of diarrhea.’
Q. Why should attractive meals be served to sick people?
Q. Steamed foods should be given to patients.
Q. Why should the likes and dislikes of a patient be kept in mind while serving food during recovery from an illness?
Managing the Kitchen
Q. What are the factors to be considered while planning a kitchen?
Q. Explain the different methods of work simplification techniques.
Q. How can you avoid fatigue in the kitchen?
Q. Explain why it is important to use uncontaminated water in the kitchen.
Q. How can contamination be controlled while handling food?
Q. Describe the importance of Personal hygiene in the kitchen.
Q. List any five ways to keep the kitchen free from insects.
Q. Describe the importance and care of the dustbins used in the kitchen.
Q. List five preventive or curative measures for controlling infestation of the following pests in the kitchen. (i) Cockroach (ii) Ant
Q. List two pest control measures for rodents.
Q. How can the kitchen be kept clean throughout the year?
Q. How is an exhaust fan helpful in the kitchen?
Q. List any two measures to keep the kitchen sink clean and unclogged.
Q. Suggest a simple way to clear a blocked sink in the kitchen.
Q. State two factors that are considered when choosing material for kitchen counters.
Q. Why is the preparation centre an important part of the kitchen?
Q. Which type of kitchen layout is best suited for small houses? Why is good ventilation important in the kitchen?
Q. Name two important work centres in the kitchen.
Q. State two advantages of an L shaped kitchen.
Q. Describe the work triangle in a U-shaped kitchen.
Q. List the features of the work surface and storage counters used in a kitchen.
Q. List two advantages of one wall kitchen layout.
Q. State the factors to be considered when planning the lighting and flooring of the kitchen.
Q. Name any two considerations to be kept in mind while planning the kitchen walls.
Q. Write two precautionary measures to be taken regarding the flooring to ensure safety in the kitchen.
Cookware / Appliances
Q. What factors should be kept in mind while purchasing cooking utensils?
Q. Name two metals of which cutlery is made. What care should be taken to maintain it?
Q. List any four materials used for making microwave-proof cookware.
Q. How shall one take care of a microwave oven? List three factors to be kept in mind while choosing microwave proof cookware.
Q. Different categories of kitchen equipment used at home.
Q. Disadvantages of a microwave oven.
Q. Name any two metals used for making cooking utensils. List an advantage and a disadvantage of using each of these metals.
Q. Name two metals commonly used for making stirring equipment.
Q. Stainless steel utensils are given a copper bottom finish.
Q. Enumerate five ways to take care of the plastic-ware used in the kitchen.
Q. Features to be considered while purchasing glassware.
Q. Selection and care of a pressure cooker.
Q. Selection and purchase of a refrigerator.
Q. List any two precautions to be taken for maintenance of Nonstick cookware.
Q. Name any two types of stains that can be removed from crockery by using baking soda.
Q. State any two safety precautions to be kept in mind while using a pressure cooker.
Q. Suggest any two guidelines for placement of cutlery while setting the table.
Cookery Project Work
Work Specification:
- Balance Diet Plan for Different Age-Groups and Occupations
- Types of Kitchen equipment used for cooking in the kitchen
- Types of Kitchen, their advantages and disadvantages
- Types of Table service
Write about the Balanced Diet Plan For the following:
- Preschool children, School going children, teenager, Adults, Male, Female, Pregnant & Lactating Women, Elderly people.
- People working for different organizations & the type of work they do.
- Paste pictures of all the necessary equipments used in the kitchen with their uses.
- Types of Kitchen, their advantages and disadvantages(Paste pictures of all the types of kitchens)
- Types of Table service (Paste pictures of all the types of table services)
Please try to get information for all the age groups, gender, occupation and health status of a person their likes & dislikes and the necessary equipments used in the kitchen with their uses, Types of kitchens, Types of table services. Paste pictures where ever is required. Project file should have spiral binding.
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