Conventional source of energy (Geography) study notes, question and answers.
Q. Define conventional source of energy?
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Ans: – they are the natural energy resources which are present in a limited qantity And are being used for a long time. They are also known as non renewable source of Energy. Examples:-coal, petroleum, natural gas etc.
Q. Conventional sources of energy?
Ans: – coal, petroleum, natural gas, hydel power (Bhakranangal project and Hirakud Project)
Q. Coal
It is also known as ‘black diamond’.
- Anthracite: Superior quality. Contains 90% of carbon, has high heating value, it is hard and compact.
- Bituminus: Most widely used variety of coal in India, contains 60-80% carbon, used for heating, production of coke.
- Lignite- also called brown coal. It contains 40% of coal. It causes pollution.
- Peat- Inferior quality, contains less than 30% carbon, causes air pollution, used in brick industries
Q. Importance of coal
It is used as the source of thermal energy. It is also used in iron and steel industry for the purpose of blast furnace. It is used in chemical industry It is used to manufacture nylon, fibres and synthetic rubber.
Q. Disadvantage of coal
It causes pollution. It is exhaustible source of energyQ. Imp coal mines of India
- Jharia in Jharkhand
- Neyveli in Tamilnadu
- Korba in Chattisgarh
- Raniganj in Westbengal
Q. Gondowana coal mining areas
It covers the states of Westbengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, Chattisgarh
Q. Tertiary coal mining areas
Assam, Meghalaya, Tamilnadu, Rajasthan.
Q. Petroleum
- It is known as ‘liquid gold’
- It is obtained from the layers of sedimentary rock fossils.
- It is also known as crude oil.
Q. Products of petroleum
Petrol, diesel, kerosene, LPG, lubricants etc
Q. Uses of petroleum
It is used as fuel and for power generation. It is used in petro-chemical industries to manufacture Synthetic rubber, fibres, plastic, etc. It is also used for manufacturing fertilizers.
Q. Petroleum fields
Mumbai high- it is offshore oil field. Located in Arabian sea about 176 km from Mumbai. It is operated from a platform called as Sagar Samrat. Operated by ONGC.
Q. Oil fields in northeastern sates
Digboi refinery-it is one of the oldest in India .It is under public sector.
Shib sagar refinery (Assam) -it is the largest refinery in the world and runs by the Reliance company.
Q. Natural gas
Q. Advantages of natural gas
It doesn;t cause any pollution. It is cheaper than any other fuel. It is easy to transport. It is used for cooking at home and as fuel in Vehicles.
Q. Disadvantages of natural gas
It cannot be used in large scale. It is highly volatile and dangerous if handled or transported carelessly. Production and distribution is fairly expensive.
Q. Hydel power
Electricity which is produced from running water is called Hydel power. It is clean, non- polluting source of energy, which can be used again and again. It has the natural source of water and free of cost.
Q. Condition necessary for generating electricity
There must be sufficient supply of water. Water must be silt free. There must be a suitable site for the construction of dam.
Q. Bhakra Nangal project
It is constructed on the river Sutluj. It is in Punjab and Haryana. There are two dams one at Bhakra and another at Nangal.
Q. Power house in Bhakra Nangal
Answer: Kotla and Ganguwal.
Q. Uses of Bhakra Nangal
It is used to generate electricity. Provides water for irrigation. It is used for checking flood by Satluj river.
Q. States which get water from this project
Punab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan.
Q. Hirakud project
Located in the state of Odisha in Mahanadi river.
Q. Naraj and Tikarpada are the power houses.
It has the longest artificial lake named as Govind Sagar Lake.
Q. Uses
It is used to generate electricity. Provides water for irrigation. It is used for checking flood by Satluj river
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