Control chart is a statistical tool that shows whether a process is in control or not. Control chart is commonly used as an improvement tool.
A control chart plots a quality characteristic statistic in a time-ordered sequence. A center line indicates the process average, and two other horizontal lines called the lower and upper control limits represent process variation.
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Control charts have two general uses in an improvement project. The most common application is as a tool to monitor process stability and control. A less common, although some might argue more powerful, use of control charts is as an analysis tool.
Types of Control Charts:
- Control Charts for Variables
- Control Charts for Attributes
MBA Question:
1) You are Head of a manufacturing unit and want to implement control chart in one of your injection molding shop. Hourly random 500 units are inspected for defects and the average defectives are 3.5%.
a. What type of control chart will you use and what will be its control limits?
b. What are the other types of control chart used in monitoring a process?
2) You are attempting to develop a quality monitoring system using control chart for some parts produced from a large batch production. These parts are either good or defective. During each delivery a random 500 units is sampled and the number of defective units in the sample is noted. The average defect rate is 3.5%.
a. State with reasons the type of control chart you would use (5 Marks)
b. Develop the upper and lower control limits (z=3)
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