Constitution of India is a chapter in Social Studies for Class 5 ICSE students. Find notes, questions and answer.
The constitution of India is the highest law in India it mentions the powers and duties of the various government institutions. It also talks about the fundamental rights and duties of the citizens of India.
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The constitution of India starts with a preamble, an introductory statement that explains the philosophy and objectives of the Constitution.
The Constitution was drafted by the constituent assembly which consisted of several members. Dr. Ambedkar was the chairman of the drafting committee. The Constitution of India came into effect on 26th January 1950.
The constitution says that all Indians are equal and it is our fundamental duty to respect the constitution, the national flag and the national anthem.
The Right to Education makes it compulsory to provide free education to children in India between 6 to 14 years of age.
The Directive Principles help governing bodies to make policies.
Questions and Answers
Question: What is a constitution?
Answer: A constitution refers to laws and basic principles that forms the basis for governing a country.
Question: Who was Dr B R Ambedkar?
Answer: Dr B R Ambedkar was the chairman of the constituent assembly.
Question: Why is the Preamble of our constitution important?
Answer: The Preamble informs how India is governed.
Question: What are the Directive Principles of State Policy?
Answer: The directive principles of state policy are guidelines for making government policies.
Question: What is the difference between fundamental rights and fundamental duties?
Answer: Fundamental Rights are the rights guaranteed by the constitution to all citizens. Fundamental Duties are responsibilities of the citizens towards the country.
Question: Why do you think that fundamental duties are a part of the Constitution?
Answer: Rights and duties are interlinked. One cannot enjoy rights without fulfilling our duties. Hence, fundamental duties are also a part of the constitution.
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