There are several computer programming courses that help students develop problem solving and computer programming skills; many of these courses are suited for students with no prior experience in computer programming.
Most courses use Java, a popular and high-level object-oriented computer programming language to teach the fundamentals of computer programming including how to write, compile and execute programs.
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Once you are done with the introductory course, you can pursue advance programming courses that focus on more advanced set of problems; these help develop better understanding of the principles of object-oriented design and programming, including the use of interfaces and inheritance, and learn the fundamentals of sorting data and data structures.
What Students Will Learn
Computer programming courses help students gain the following:
- Develop sound techniques for designing, developing, and documenting well-structured programs using software-engineering principles.
- Learn programming aspects using the Java programming language.
- Use programming logic in Java, including declaring variables, arithmetic, decisions, and iterative loops.
- Work with procedural and object-oriented aspects of the Java language.
- Develop sound techniques on designing, developing, and documenting well-structured programs using proper software engineering principles.
- Develop problem-solving skills that can be applied in more advanced programming courses using an OOP (object-oriented programming) methodology.
- Implement basic common programming data structures (for use in further programming courses).
- Develop a GUI interface and related processing for an application.
Topics Covered in the Courses
The following topics are usually covered as part of programming:
- Data and Expressions
- Using Classes and Objects
- Conditionals and Loops
- Writing Classes
- Arrays & Recursion
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Exceptions
- Introduction to Collections
- Graphical User Interfaces
Recommended Books / Journals
Students are encouraged to refer the following academic resources:
Java Foundations: Introduction to Program Design and Data Structures by John Lewis (Author), Peter DePasquale (Author), Joe Chase (Author).
Requirements for Computer Programming Courses
You will need the following:
- A computer and Internet access.
- Java Programming Language. You will also require a development environment to compile and run your programs – you will need to install a Java Interactive Development Environment (IDE).
- Microsoft Office or other Office software to view to view Power Point presentations.
- Basic prior knowledge of computers will be beneficial.
Structured programming approach (SPA) experiments
Structured programming approach (SPA) experiments: First year engineering
1. to study Operating system components and its type.
2. Write a c program for following arithmetic operations. Input any two numbers from keyboard.
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication
3. WAP to find out given no is Armstrong or not.
4. WAP to display class of students according to range given (use if else ladder).
5. WAP to find how many days are there in month considering leap year.
6. WAP to display pyramid and Pascal traingle.
7. Write a C program to generate Fibonacci series for n number of terms using do-write loop.
8. Calculate the sum of the series: 1/1!+2/2!+…up t nth term using while loop.
9. WAP to find out the factorial of number using recursive method.
10. WAP to implement Binary search using function.
11. a. Write a function to swap two integers using call by value.
b. Write a function to swap two integers using call by reference.
12. Write a menu driven program to perform following operations:
a. Perform addition of two 3X3 matrices.
b. Obtain transpose of a given 3X3 matrix.
c. Multiplication of two 3X3 matrices.
13. WAP to check whether given string is palindrome or not.
14. WAP to implement bubble sort.
15. WAP to perform different string operations.
16. Write a program using structure to calculate areas of various rooms like hall, kitchen and bedroom. Declare a structure for room details like length and width.
17. Write a program to perform file operations:
a. Opening a file
b. Reading the contents of file
c. Appending the contents to the file.
18. WAP to perform arithmetic operations using pointers.
19. WAP to demonstrate usage of Dynamic Memory allocation using standard C library functions.
20. Write a program to display contents of array using pointers.
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