Computer is one of the biggest innovation of mankind, and today it can almost be considered as one of the basic necessities of our life. Here we have presented several easy computer lessons for kids, so that they get a head-start in their education.
How Does a Compute Help Us?
Features and Uses of a Computer
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- A computer saves our time
- A computer works very fast (faster than humans)
- A computer never gets tired (humans do)
- A computer never makes mistakes (humans do)
What can we do with a computer?
A computer is a useful machine that lets us do many interesting things:
- To solve Maths sums very fast
- To play games, like shooting, car racing, chess, etc.
- To store information
- To type letters
- To watch movies and cartoons like Spiderman, Tom & Jerry
- To study different subjects
- To draw and colour pictures
- To listen to music
- To book tickets online
- To send and receive messages quickly anywhere in the world.
Places Where computers Are Used
Here are some of the places where you must have seen a computer being used.
- At Homes: To study and play games
- In Shops & Malls: To make bills.
- At Railway Stations: For booking tickets
- In Schools: for teaching and learning
- In Hotels & Resorts: To record guest details
- In Offices: To do office work
- In Banks: To deposit and withdraw money
- In Restaurants: To make bills of food items
- At Airports: For booking tickets and getting flight details.
Parts of a Computer
Different parts of a computer: CPU, Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard, Printer.

- A monitor looks like a television.
- A monitor shows pictures and other information on the screen
- You can see movies and cartoons on the monitor
- It shows the work that you’re doing on the computer
- A monitor is controlled by a keyboard and a mouse.
CPU (Central Processing Unit)
- A CPU is the brain of the computer
- It looks like a rectangular box (stands vertically)
- It helps a computer to think and work according to given orders/instructions
Computer Keyboard
Have you seen a mobile phone, a Casio keyboard, or a calculator?
They all have a keypad with several keys. Each key has a different function.
Similarly, a computer too has a keyboard with many keys. These keys are used to type letters, words, numbers and special characters.

Understanding the Cursor: Cursor is a blinking line that shows where you can start typing the text.
There are three types of keys on a keyboard:
- Alphabet Keys: The alphabet keys are used to type words and sentences. they are 26 in number.
- Number Keys: The number keys are used to type numbers. They are marked from 0 to 9.
- Special Keys: Here are the special keys, which are commonly used:
- Spacebar Key: Used to add blank spaces between words, letters or numbers.
- Enter Key: Used to move the cursor to the next line. The Enter Key comes in different shapes, and most keyboards usually have two Enter Keys.
- Backspace Key: the backspace key works like an eraser. By pressing this key, you can erase the letters one by one left to the cursor.
- Caps Lock Key: The Caps Lock Key is used to type capital letters. Press the Caps Lock key once, this will turn on the light of the Caps Lock. Now whatever you type will be shown in capital letters.
Just like a real mouse is small in size, has a tail, a computer mouse is also small in size, looks like a real mouse, and has a wire like tail that is attached to the CPU.
- It designed in the shape of a mouse
- It has two buttons
- It helps us to: draw pictures, play games, point at things (and select items) on the monitor
- Nowadays you also get wireless mouse.
How to hold a mouse?
- Place your index finger on the left mouse button
- Place the middle finger on the right mouse button
- Hold the mouse with the rest of the fingers and thumb. Rest your palm on the mouse.
Mouse Pointer
When you move the mouse, you see a small arrow moving on the monitor. This arrow is called the mouse pointer.
Remember clicking pictures on a camera or on the phone?
Similarly, pressing the mouse button is called clicking, and that action lets you select an item.
Double-click means pressing the left mouse button twice quickly. This makes two click sounds and opens an item.
Data & Memory: Storage in a Computer
a computer does not work on its own. You need to work on it by entering letters, numbers or symbols. Whatever you enter/write (using the keyboard) – letters, words and numbers is called data.
Data can be words, numbers, pictures or sound.
How do you remember things? You store everything in your memory. In the same way, a computer remembers and stores a lot of data in its memory. It never forgets the data stored in it.
Storage in a Computer
Just like you have cupboards, bags to store things, a computer stores data in CDs, pen drives and the hard disk. You can store games, letters, stories, drawings, songs, etc, in them. You can use the stored data whenever you need it.
True or False
- A computer can remember the data stored in it.
- A computer stores data in its memory
- A computer can store only sound in a CD
- A refrigerator is used to keep your books and notebook.

- Computer speakers are speakers used alongside a computer.
- Some speakers are already built into a computer.
- Computer speakers help us to listen to music, voices and sound.
- Computer speakers come in different shapes and size.
A printer is used to take a printout (of things like document, tickets, etc.) on paper.
A scanner is a machine used with a computer
A scanner helps to take picture of things and save it in a computer
A scanner can be found everywhere – in school, office and even at home.
A scanner helps to make work faster and easier.
Fun With Paint
Paint is a fun application that lets children have some fun with drawing and colouring.
A computer has a Paint program that helps you make colourful drawings. Just as you need a pencil, eraser and colours for drawing on paper, you will find the same tools on paint to do drawing and colouring.
Read: MS Paint for students
There is a reason why a mom keeps her child’s pens, pencils, eraser, etc. in a pencil box, all the clothes in a cupboard, shoes in a shoe rack. She stores and organizes the things in such a way so that you can find them easily and quickly, whenever needed. These objects in which she stores things are called storage spaces.
Let us look at a few more storage spaces that we use in our daily life.
- Refrigerator: It is used to srore fruits, vegetables, milk, sweets, etc.
- School Bag: To keep books, notebooks, pen, and pencils.
- Lunch Box: To keep lunch and snacks.
- Cupboard: To store clothes, books, and toys separately in a cupboard. Whenever we need anything from a cupboard, we can find it at the right place and use it quickly.
If we do not place our things in proper order, then finding them takes lot of time and creates chaos.
We know that a computer con store large amount of information. But, do you know how this data gets stored in o computer?
As we keep important papers and documents in a file, likewise, ony information on a computer is saved in the form of a file.
A file is a collection of related information, stored together on some storage device, such as Hard disk, CD. DVD, or Pen Drive.
So for example, when the teacher explains an important concept in the class, it is always better to take the notes and store them in your notebook. Otherwise, you might forget these concepts during exams and be unable to recollect them. When we organize our bag, we add name slip on each notebook to identify it quickly.
Likewise, the files that we create in a computer need to be saved. WE can recall and use the saved files, whenever needed. When you save a file in a computer, it is saved with a unique name, called file name.
Let us learn how to create a file in a Word document.
- Click on the Start button.
- Go to the All Programs option.
- Choose Microsoft Offlce and select Microsoft Word 2010.
- A new blank document will open in Word.
- Bring the mouse pointer to the cursor position.
- Type your name and press the Enter key
- The cursor will move to the next line
- Type your age and press the Enter key. Now type your address. Once you have completed then save your file.
- Follow the given steps to save your file:
- Click on the File tab.
- A list of options will appear.
- Select the Suve option. The Save As dialog box appears.
- Choose the location and specify the name of the file in the File name text box.
- Click an the Save button.
- Once your file is saved, you can open it anytime whenever needed.
- To open the file, follow the given steps:
- Click on the File tab.
- Choose the Open option from the displayed list
- The Open dialog box will appear.
- Choose the location where your file is saved.
- Select the desired file.
- Click an the Open button.
Fill in the Blanks / MCQs
- The _________ is used for typing words which can be seen on the monitor (keyboard / mouse)
- ______ key have alphabets A-Z (alphabet / numeric)
- The __________ keys are used to move the cursor. (arrow / mouse)
- We use ________ key to move to the next line (enter / delete)
- _______ key erases the letter after the cursor (delete / backspace)
Computers are used in schools for keeping _________
________ help in drawing pictures
A _________ helps in making work faster and easier
Computers are used in Railway stations for booking _______
We can write __________ with the help of a computer
We can listen to _________ on a computer,
The ________ controls the computer.
The ________ shows what is being done on the computer.
A computer plays music through ________ .
We can move the pointer on the screen using the ________ .
We can enter letters and numbers into the computer using ________ .
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