Computer Applications (Projects, Notes) ICSE Class 10.
Besides the main written paper (exam), Class X ICSE students have to complete several laboratory assignments during the whole year. The students also have to make one real life project using the concepts taught.
- Looking for any kind of help on your academic work (essay, assignment, project)?
- Want us to review, proofread or tidy up your work?
- Want a helping hand so that you can focus on the more important tasks?
Hire us as project guide/assistant. Contact us for more information
Programs in computer project should cover the following topics:
- Sequential structure
- Selection structure (if else and switch case)
- Iterative structure (for, while and do…while)
- Strings
- Arrays
All programs must have question clearly written, followed by sourcecode, a sample input/output and variable description. The program code can be printed either directly from the Blue-J IDE or can be transferred to a Word File and then printed.
As per ICSE rules, for Computer Application, there will be one written paper (two hours, 100 marks) and Internal Project/Assessment of 100 marks.
Object Oriented Programming(OOP) History and Development of Java Concept of data types in Java Data Types, Operators and Expression Operators and Expression in Java General Programming and decision Making in Java Iterations through Loops Using Library Classes String Manipulation in Java Arrays Basic Input/Output( Scanner and Printer Classes) Functions/ Methods Class as a user defined type Constructors Encapsulation and Inheritance
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ICSE Computer Applications Projects: Ideas for Projects
- Sorting (in ascending or descending order)
- WAP to store the age and name of 20 pupil in a class.
- Check number: Even, odd, prime
- Write a program to print the number of the prime digits of an entered number?
- Write a program to print the sum of the even digits of an entered number?
- Write a program to print the number of the even digits of an entered number?
- Write a program to print the maximum digit of an entered number?(eg:-9876, max=9)
- Write a program to print the minimum digit of an entered number?(eg:-1234,min=1)
- Write a program to print the factorial of its digits?(hint:- 3!=3*2*1,4!=4*3*2*1)
- Write a a program for the following series:- S=1+3+5+7+9+___________+n S=1-2+3-4+_______________+n S=1 , 22 , 333 , 4444 , 55555 , __________+n S=1 , 12 , 123 , 1234 , 12345
- Write a program to print the sum of the prime digits of an entered number?
- Write a program to print whether the sum of digits of an entered number os odd or even?
- Write a program to print factors of each digit of an entered number?
- Write a program to print the sum of odd digits of an entered number?
- WAP using a function called area to computer the area of the following 1) circle 2) square 3) rectangle
- Read any 7 three digit numbers and store them in an array.using a menu display the following choices and based on the users choice print 1)number of numbers begin with 7 2)Number of numbers where sum of 1st and last digit is 10?
- WAP with the function to input a string .using this form another string by adding 5 to each character in the string Eg:- abc becomes fgh
- TAKE THE INPUT OF STRING FROM USER AND OUTPUT THE FOLLOWING:- A)Number of uppercase? b)Number of lower case? c)Number of spaces?
- write a class with the function word() to input a sentence and display the following? a)count number of times “in” occurs in the string? b)ascii code of each character in the string? c)reverse a string?
- Write a program using string function to input any word and print the same in alphabetical order? Q4) Write a function newstr() to display each word of the string in reverse order? Ex_if the string is=”Trip to saat tal” Output- “pirt ot taas lat”
- Write a program to accept name of 10 countries and their capital.Input name of countries and find whether it exist in the list if yes then display name of country and its capital?
- Wap To print upper half of triangle of 3*3 matrix?
- Wap to print sum of diagnols of 2-d matrix(3*3)?
- Write a c++ program that copies all lower case letters from a text file called “imp.txt” into file called “cpp1.txt”?
- Write a function in c++ to read one character at a time from an existing text file named as old.txt and store into another text file named as new.txt in uppercase?
- Write a user defined function to count the no of words in a given text file “poems.txt”?
- Assuming that a text file joy.txt contains some text written into it .write a function named vowel that reads the file joy.txt and creates a new file names joy1.txt which starts with the lower case vowel (‘a’,’e’,’i’,’o’,’u’) Eg:– Carry umbrella and overcoat when it rains Joy1.txt Umbrella and overcoat it
- Find the Country capital and telephone dialing code, based on the Country name
- Making some sort of Calculator
- Determine if a number is Palindrome or not
- Calculate Surface Area and Volume of Cuboid and Cube
- Banking: Search for a customer, display details, allow transaction
- School library system
- Make a game
- Traffic lights, traffic signal management and control system
- Elevator control
- Inventory management in Retail Outlet
- Office attendance
- Company Payroll
- Household gadgets like microwave ovens
- Washing machines
- Air Conditioners
- Cars
- Airplanes
- Vending machines
- Automatic Teller Machines (ATM )
- A Social System
- A musical composition
- A clinical diagnostic system
- Display Items
- Add a Record
- Search An Item By Name
- Search an Item by Record
- Modify A Record
- Delete a Record
- Generate Bill
- Complaints and Suggestions
- Exit
Service Center Management
MAIN MENU- Workshop (display brief introduction of the Service Center)
- About Us (show company details)
- Form (accept the details of the customer)
- Updation (modify a particular customers record or delete it)
- Delete a particular record (allows customer to delete a particular record)
- Details Of Spareparts (display details of spareparts)
- Contact Us (show details of how to contact)
- Search and display records
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