Climate (Geography) study notes, question and answers.
Class 12 Climate (Geography) Notes
Q. What is meant by Western disturbance?
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The cyclonic depressions which originate over the Mediterranean Sea and travel eastwards across Iran and Pakistan. These winds ultimately bring rainfall and weather disturbance to the northern part of India.
Q. What are the two characteristics features of the tropical climate?
High temperature round the year and rainfall in the afternoon.
Q. Explain with two examples the role played by mountain ranges in the distribution of rainfall in India during the south West monsoon period.
The south West monsoon is dashing against the Himalaya and causing heavy rainfall in the north eastern hilly states area. The south West monsoon is dashing against the Western Ghats causing heavy rainfall in the windward side of the mountain.
Q. What are the western disturbances?
The system of pressure and wind is disturbed as a result of the inflow of depressions from the west and the north west are called western disturbances.
Q. The north west plains of India experience winter rainfall. Explain the statement with reason.
The north west plains of India consisting of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and western Uttar Pradesh receive some winter rainfall which is caused due to the invasion of western disturbances.
Q. What is co-efficient of variation? Explain with examples.
The large variations in actual amount of rainfall is expressed in terms of co-efficient of variation (CV). The CV of annual rainfall in India generally ranges between 15 %to 30%. Of the west coast have a CV lower than 15 %. The variability increases from the west into the interior of the plateau as well as from Orissa and West Bengal towards the north and North West. Over the interior regions of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka it is as high as 30 %. Gujrat may experience variability ranging between 50%to 80 %
Q. What is the effect of variability of CV or coefficient of variation?
The spatial pattern of rainfall variability plays a critical role in Indian agriculture. The area suffering from the high rainfall variability are prone to water deficiency and drought conditions.
Q. Name the two branches of the southwest monsoon.
i) the Arabian sea branch ii) the Bay of Bengal branch.
Q. Give two characteristics of hot weather season.
i)High temperature over most of India. ii)mostly dry with occasional local storms.
Q.What are the characteristics of the retreating south West monsoon?
i) this is a transition period from a hot rainy season to cool dry season. ii) the east coast receives heavy rainfall.
Q. Differentiate between south West monsoon and northeast monsoon.
South-West monsoon blow during the months of June July August and September. Ne monsoon blow during the months of December January and February. South West monsoon cause rainfall almost all over India. Ne monsoon cause rainfall only in Coromandel coast during winter. Southwest monsoon blow in southwest direction. NE monsoon blow in northeast direction.
Q. Name the two types of cyclone system that affect the Indian subcontinent and mention the areas.
The two types of cyclone are:
Temperate cyclone and Tropical cyclone.
Punjab, Haryana, western UP, receives rainfall from Temperate cyclone.
Eastern Coastal Region receives rainfall from Tropical cyclone.
Q. Name 3 well defined tracts of drought of India.
i) The desert region covering about 6 lakh Sq. km.
ii) The dry regions along the eastern slope of western Ghats.
iii) Saurashtra and Kachchh region.
Q. Rainfall in India is orographic in nature. Explain the statement with example.
i) heavy rainfall on west coastal plain due to western Ghats.
ii) low rainfall in eastern slope of western Ghats.
iii) heavy rainfall in Meghalaya due to slope of the hills.
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